Robin's POV
"Do you remember any of these?" He asked. I could only remember some, however that was more than usual. "The football one I remember now, oh and the fair photo too. Oh yeah not forgetting the photo booth one from our trip into the city that day." I replied.These memories were not too important, but the photos obviously were special. When I looked at the photo booth one, me and Dick were pulling various faces and then at the end we sat together hugging each other closely, as siblings should. I couldn't help but wonder if the old me did actually have a crush on Dick or not. What was I thinking..... of course I didn't I was his sister! I'm think I might be turning into Charlie thinking about boys this much.
"Well it's good to know you're remembering stuff" Dick said positively as he continued to look through the photos. While he did so, something M'gann had said made me curious. "I'm finding it hard to put your memories back from when you were 10". I dreaded what dreams I had waiting for me, but maybe I could remember some during the day. "Dick how many photos do we have from when I was 10?" I asked.
He typed in the year and up popped three photos, one of Dick and me, one of all of us and one final one of me by myself. Although the final photo was not a happy one. I was sat on a windowsill in a black hoodie and dark jeans, tears streaming from my eyes. "Why would anyone take that photo?" I asked pointing to it. "I don't know, I mean I know I would've cheered you up first, but you look so..." He paused to think of a word that wouldn't offend me too much. Problem is I already knew what he was thinking.
"I look lonely, depressed, sad....broken even" I said quietly finishing Dick's sentence. He looked to me, his eyes laced with dread and worry. "I'm sorry Robin.... if I'd known how you were..... I wouldn't have left you" he said. I shook my head. "No Dick you did good. Old me may have been like that, but the past can't be changed. I forgive you already. Why save one person when you can save the world, I would've chose the same." I replied, hoping he knew that I didn't feel hurt by his actions. ("You are my world Robin" thought Dick.)
He smiled at me, almost as if his moment of guilt had immediately passed. "Good, but you better know that if I ever see you in trouble I will save you. Okay?" He said. I smiled, his words warm in my mind. "Thanks, but I doubt I'll need saving. I can kick ass too" I argued. "Not yet. So round 2?" He said his smile growing and turning more into a smirk by the second. "Oh you're on Grayson" I said getting up and walking back over to the training mat.
We continued sparring for awhile until we eventually had used up our energy and could sweat no more. "Wow I'm knackered" I said wiping the sweat off my hands onto my clothes. Dick wasn't actually in as bad a state as I was, but he was a professional. "Yeah I'm not continuing with you worn out, we'll continue this another day" Dick said. I nodded and we both headed back upstairs and then we headed to our rooms to shower and change. Once I had sorted out my hair I headed downstairs to get something to eat.
When I arrived in the kitchen Dick was already making a sandwhich for himself. "Want one?" He offered. "Sure what's in it?" I asked. "Cheese" he said. I left him to it while I grabbed two glasses from the cupboard. "Want a milkshake?" I asked. He looked to me confused, "we don't have milkshake" he said. I smiled, "I'm making homemade strawberry milkshake, do you want some?" I replied. "Yeah don't see why not, but since when did you know how to make stuff" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "since I lost my memory?" I said questioning my own answer.
I moved past Dick and went to the blender. I took out some vanilla ice cream and a few ice cubes from the freezer, I also took the milk out the fridge and got the nesquick milkshake powder out of the cupboard. I put it all in the blender together and held the lid down before turning it on, watching it slice the ingredients and mix them together. "I hope you know what you're doing with this" Dick said worriedly. I laughed, "I've done it millions of times before, my best friend's dad taught me" I said shouting slightly over the noise of the blender. When it finished I put the drink into the two glasses I had left out and took them to the island where Dick was sat waiting.

Girl Of Two Worlds
FanfictionAll her life Robin had always been the geeky girl with her head stuck in a comic, she had few friends and a small family consisting of a kitten and an adoptive parent. Life was pretty average and normal until someone from a different world took her...