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Robin's POV
When we finally got to school, Charlie had finished ranting about Jack and I was just about ready to get back into my school life, until I was called to the headteacher's office. "Well I guess I'll see you at break" I grumbled, waving bye to Charlie. "You sure will, same place as usual. Don't be late!" she shouted in reply. As I walked through the crowds, my head down, I could feel everyone looking at me, their gazes all an idividual sword jabbing into my back. I sighed and raised my head just to see how bad the situation was. Everyone seemed to stop when I took more notice of them, so I kept my head raised and kept a confident and calm look on my face. I turned up at the headteacher's office a short while later as the bell for form time rang and echoed, through the now empty school corridoors. I lightly knocked on the wooden door, which looked way more threatening in my head. It had a large, rusted, stone knocker, one of those ones with the demon like gargoyle heads, the door was heavy and gray and locked behind it was the depths of hell. "Come in!" a voice called from inside. I opened the door and prepared myself to meet the ringleader of the flames.

To my surprise I was instead greeted by my form tutor Ms Summers, she was stood infront of the devil's desk, recieving her next assignment no doubt. "Hello Robin, it's very good to see you back. After what happeened a week ago we thought you'd gone without telling us!" she spoke kindly. "Indeed, we have some questions to ask you Miss Aywne" the headteacher spoke. He was typically small and stout, had grey brown hair with a round bald patch on the top of his head, his glasses perched below his eyes on his nose. I still had to get used to being called Aywne while my head was still trying to believe I was definitley Robin Wayne, daughter of the philanphropist, billionaire, play boy, Bruce Wayne. "Please take a seat Robin" my form tutor asked gently. I smiled and sat down beside her, on the other side of the headteacher's desk of hell's commands.

"We would like to know what you have been doing this past week, you know it is illegal to not send your child to school, and even in your circumstances the school should have been notified of your leave" He spoke boringly. "I understand, I apologise on mine and my Au-Mum's behalf. After what happened we were still a little shaken up and I stayed at home, my Mum did say she would contact you , but she must have forgot in amongst her tight schedule." I replied, nearly slipping up at the mention of my Aunt. "Thank you for explaining, however next time the school must be notified. This is your only warning" he replied harshly. "I understand, thank you sir" I said as gratefully as possible, while I stood up to leave. "Ah yes Robin, I gathered your work that you missed. Here it is" Ms Summers said smiling, as she passed me a large folder. I mentally groaned at the size of it and thanked her before I left for my next lesson.

The next two periods flew by, being back at school seemed to distract me enough and entertain me more thsn usual. It was strangely satisfying being back in a small classroom, surrounded by the smell of sweaty teenagers, and the noise of light hearted chatter between students. I think another reason why I found it so satisfying was due to my new found knowledge. Apparently when I forgot my memories, I also lost the genious brain I've now got back. Everything that I once struggled with is rolling off the tip of my tounge like two plus two.

Need to speak in French? I'm fluent in it, and German, Russian, Polish, you name it. Need me to recite maths formula, pfft I could recite every formula in existence if you wanted. Dates and events in history, I knew them like I was reading them from a book. Even in P.E. I had improved significantly, my reflexes and hand eye coordination being enhanced by my training in the cave with my brothers and Dick. When the bell for break rang, I pushed through the hoards of younger kids and headed to mine and Charlie's spot, excited to tell her about how clever I really was. When I got there, someone else was sat waiting. He was sat with another girl, much to my delight and I smiled when he finally saw me coming, his michevious eyes that looked at the girl were now looking at me, and they were filled with fear.

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