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Robin's POV
After we had tea I decided I was going to show Charlie the view from the roof of the manor. Yes I knew it'd be a hard one to do, but I loved a challenge occasionally, and with all four of the boys helping out it really took no time at all to get to the roof and find a flat, comfortable spot for some star gazing. While Gotham was a smog filled cloud in a world full of life, the view was still a pretty sight, the few stars that were visible glinting above Gotham almost like saviours and protectors, beacons of hope and peace for the normal citizens of the city.

We were sat quietly when Charlie broke the silence. "So Rob will you be staying here forever?" Charlie asked. "I don't know Chaz, I'll probably finish school in the other realm then come back here, which for me is easy seeing as I'm the one who makes the portals" I replied. "You won't leave me though will you? You have to promise you'll visit" she pleaded. "Of course I will, I may have been born here in this realm, but I still had a life in the other realm, I mean there's you and my aunt waiting for me there" I replied hoping to comfort the worry clearly heard in her voice. "We can all come visit sometime, it'll be fun to stay over in a different realm and see how different our worlds are" Dick said. Charlie smiled, "Okay, good. I'm happy to hear it" she said.

We stayed on the roof for awhile before it started getting late and so we headed inside to bed, tomorrow was going to be long and I'd planned to show Charlie as much as possible. "Night Jay, Night Dick, Night Tim, Night Dami" I called as we headed to our own rooms. Charlie laughed at me as I did so when I closed my bedroom door behind me. "Is it not a mouthful to say goodnight to everyone? I mean having four brothers... Well technically only one but theoretically four" Charlie said. "You get used to it Chaz, we should get some sleep, we've got a busy day tomorrow." I said. She nodded and said goodnight before we both went to sleep.

I was awoken fairly suddenly the next day when a bright and bouncy Charlie  bounded through my bedroom door with our breakfast. She had brought it upstairs so we could eat together, and also because she thought that the smell would wake me up. "Morning Chaz" I said, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Morning Rob, I can't wait to explore with you today" she said. I smiled, "me too Chaz, me too" I replied. Me and Charlie took no time at all eating Alfred's pancakes and getting ready for the day.

"It's so exciting to be here, but it sucks that it's Monday tomorrow. I hate school, I need my butt kicking sidekick" Chaz moaned as we walked to Gotham. "School can't be too bad" Dick said. We had brought Jason and Dick with us for one, protection, and two, they were our maps, helping us with directions. I laughed at Dicks statement. "Yeah well Dick not everybody goes to a school where their dad can get them out of everything" I said. "Yeah but it's still not that bad" he protested. "Okay so like the younger years are fun, but when you get older it just gets worse" Charlie said. "And why are we talking about school?" Jason asked annoyed. "Because I've got to go back to it tomorrow while Rob over here gets to bunk off" Charlie moaned again. "Oh shush now you'll spoil today for everyone" I teased Charlie. She just huffed and stopped talking.

"So Dick, Jay, where should we go?" I asked. "A museum?" Dick asked. "My safe house" Jason said. "Jay we are not going to your mess of a safe house, but a museum sounds great" I replied. "Okay then follow me" Dick chirped. Jason groaned, "why do we have to go to some boring old museum" he asked. I sighed, "because its history and it's interesting for some of us" I repied. Charlie laughed, "pfft says you, you're the crazy one who took history for GCSE, I hate it." I gave her a sideways glance before walking on ahead with Dick. "Wait I've just had a fun idea" I said. "Which is?" Charlie asked. "We can check out the treehouse" I said, nudging Dick. "Sounds great, it's been too long since we've been there" Dick replied smiling and leading the way.

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