Robin's POV
I was surprised at how good the two thieves were at blending in, we had disguised ourselves as janitors so that they could track the patrol routes and they had perfected every little detail. From being able to act perfectly, to knowing exactly the right thing to say to the guards to get us past quickly.Earlier that day
"So who's money are we stealing anyway?" I asked. "Bruce Wayne's...." I glared at Snart as he said it, how dare the little- "ex girlfriend's... she's filthy rich" Cold added, a smirk on his face as he got the reaction he wanted from me. The little prick was gonna pay for that later.I still hadn't forgotten the sneaky trick Snart had played on me earlier too and I was gonna get payback for it. I was in charge of hacking the systems while Mick and Snart stood guard by the door. It was a simple firewall and I dodged around the silent alarm, before setting up our back-up plan for later. I'd set up some hidden code which would loop the security footage upon our entrance. I even managed to get our security passes onto the system at the same time, so getting in would be easy with or without the portal, although now when I think about it, it would be easier to walk in through the front door, so there wouldn't be as much suspicion as to why we were there.
When I had finally printed the passes I left the security room. "Nice job Hood" Mick said as I passed him his. Snart said nothing as I offered him his. I pulled it back from his reach before saying, "Say sorry". He look at me annoyed, his eyes showing anger. "What for" he said. I gave him my 'bat glare', "for teasing me earlier." He looked even more annoyed now. "You're so petty you know that kid" he growled. I stood silently waiting. "Fine fine, I'm sorry for teasing you" he said. I smiled in triumph and handed him his security pass. "You're welcome, Jerk" I said sweetly, as we moved on. I began walking with Mick and left Snart behind us, I couldn't be bothered to deal with him growling at me for the rest of our infiltration mission.
Once we'd finally finished the first part of our mission I took us back to the hideout with my portal. When I had described to them how we had to portal Snart didn't seem to like the fact he had to maintain contact with me while it happened. Mick was fine with it, he didn't mind grabbing my hand before we portalled, Snart however, decided to clutch my wrist rather tightly, leaving red marks every time we traveled via portal. When we arrived, we grabbed the rest of our gear and waited. It was a couple hours before the real heist and so I took this opportunity to chat to Mick.
"So what do we do now?" I asked. "Whatever you want kid as long as you leave me alone" Snart said. I frowned and headed over to Mick. "What's his problem?" I asked Mick. "He takes it all too seriously Hood. He's not as horrible as you think" Mick said. "Can you get me some more booze?" He asked. I smiled through a sigh as I disappeared and reappeared again. "Is this okay?" I asked. "Sure is" he replied taking a bottle immediately. "Hey I wouldn't drink too much, I doubt grumpy over there would be happy if you got drunk" I said jokingly. "I'm no lightweight Hood" he said, as he downed half a bottle. He offered me some but I declined. I didn't plan on getting drunk, and I thought maybe I was bit too young for that.
"So how often do you guys do this, these bank heists?" I inquired. "Every now and then when we feel like it, they take more effort so we tend to go for easy jobs, but if there's a bank involved we'll be there robbing it blind" Mick replied, taking another swig of beer. "So how about you hood, what've you done?" Mick asked. I knew this question would come up eventually. "Yeah kid, what have you done, if you're such a great villain?" Snart perked up, hoping he would catch me out. "Well I was one of The Joker's higher ups and I helped Cat Woman rob some jewels, but most of the time I do jobs in return for money" I replied. "The Joker is a nut job, I don't know why anyone would work for him" Snart replied. "Either way hood if the Joker likes you, you must be pretty good" Mick stated, downing the rest of his beer bottle. "Gear up guys, we've got a bank to rob" Snart said. I smiled and pulled my hood up over my midnight blue hair, the fabric hanging just over the edge of my Wolf mask. Time to go.

Girl Of Two Worlds
FanfictionAll her life Robin had always been the geeky girl with her head stuck in a comic, she had few friends and a small family consisting of a kitten and an adoptive parent. Life was pretty average and normal until someone from a different world took her...