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Robin's POV
The day started as it usually did, I woke up beside Dick, kissed his cheek goodbye while he slept, and went home, before taking a short journey to school. The only thing that was different was the Friday feeling in the atmosphere which brought about the wave of positive vibes from all the students at school. "So Rob what do you think we're doing in PSHE this morning?" Charlie asked me as we chatted in form. For PSHE we stayed in our forms, we usually covered physical health, social health, etc. Recently we'd had a lot of lectures about revising for the GCSE exams in three or four weeks time, but I could only hope today would be different. "Maybe they'll lecture us on something useful. How about mental health? You know the stress they cause could drown anyone. People literally die inside" I replied.

"Hey it's not suicide if you're already dead inside" James butted in. I frowned at his comment, mental health should be taken seriously and we were having a serious conversation not a casual one. "Your timing is terrible James, I hope you know that" Charlie said unhappily, unamused by his comment as I was. "Sorry was just a joke. Trust me I take that stuff seriously, my older sister had some mental health issues a while back. Sometimes the only thing you can do about it is joke and sometimes the pain goes away, well that's what my sister said" he replied. I felt immediately sorry for him, and saw James in a new light and wondered how I hadn't realised how he was so kind and vulnerable. Wait I do know, he's the class idiot who makes a fool of himself every day.

"What were you thinking of Rob?" James asked my thinking face. "I was thinking about feeling sorry for not seeing the vulnerable side of you, but then I realised you're the class clown and shrugged it off" I said casually. His face dropped slightly. "Wha! That's not fair! I'm not the class idiot" he protested. "Chaz please tell him the painful truth" I said. "James, you are most definitely the class clown and idiot" Charlie said, pointing her finger at him while doing so. "You guys are mean. Luke you don't think I'm the class idiot do you?" He asked, turning to the blond beside him. "Uh well, you are kinda the one we all laugh at" he replied quietly, hoping not to displease the brunette. James sighed and his head went down onto the desk in front of him. "I really am the class idiot" he grumbled. "Hey James, think of it this way. You make everyone laugh and smile, isn't that a good thing?" I responded. He turned his head to the side to look up at me with his disheartened blue grey eyes. "I suppose you're right Rob, thanks for that" he replied smiling, instantly gaining his confidence back.

"Silence class, today in PSHE we will be discussing how to look after yourself during the exam period. This involves a healthy diet, a suitable amount of exercise and making sure you get enough sleep" Ms Summers spoke. "Well I'm screwed" Charlie whispered beside me. I laughed quietly. "I'll second that" I added. "I'll third it" James also said beside me. As Ms Summers began talking, the class listened with uninterested ears, as we all groaned over the lecture which we knew would not change the fact, we don't get enough sleep, might not exercise enough, or eat too much or too little. After Ms Summers finished we were allowed to discuss the matters with people around us. For us this was, Charlie, James, Luke, Grace and I. Grace sat beside Charlie and she started off the conversation.

"How can they expect us to sleep and have a life" she moaned. We all chorused our agreement with nods and continued. "So okay how much sleep did everyone get last night?" James asked. "5 or 6" Luke said, seeming more involved in the conversation now it was group work. "Like 3 or 2, maybe an hour?" Charlie said. I laughed at my best friend. "I had about 8 I think" I stated. The others looked at me like I was crazy. "I had three, I was up on Sims till like 3am" Grace said. The others were still too amazed by my amount of sleep to register her answer. "How on earth did you get that much sleep?" James asked shocked.

"It's him isn't it?" Charlie exclaimed. "You just curl up with him and you're all lovey lovey and you sleep don't you? You don't stay up and chat with me anymore, no more games or spamming each other jokes. It's all him!" She continued ranting. I began blushing furiously as she said it. "Of course it's him, he's fucking Dick Grayson. I should've known. You guys better not be doing grown up stuff together though, thats just..... no, but seriously if you are spare me the details" Charlie finished. My face was currently bright red. "It's nothing like that, I swear on Damian's life, I'll swear on Dick's!" I protested.

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