Robin's POV
I stayed silent throughout the lesson and unluckily for me, the girls around me picked up on my silence and pestered me about it. "Rob what's up? Do you know the teacher or something?" Taylor asked. "Is he like your adopted family or something... or maybe he's your real one?" Alex asked intrigued. "Something like that I guess" I mumbled. "Wow that's so cool, so what's he like? Because, not to be annoying, but he's super hot" Sophie asked. Yeah sorry Sophie, he's all mine. "He's not that great, he's a right playboy, a pain in the ass really" I said. "I really wish he hadn't come here" I added, raising my voice to make sure he heard me. He turned in my direction and pouted slightly and I gave him my best bat glare. I dreaded it most when I realised I had a double period before lunch and I groaned at the thought of tolerating Dick's games for two whole periods.Surprisingly he was a good teacher, he knew just about everything and more. He handed out the worksheets we'd been set for cover, he was cool with us talking and was strict when he needed to be. The boys seemed too intimidated to try any tricks on him and the girls were too infatuated with him to disobey his commands. "He's super dreamy, I can't believe you know him" Alex said. "His eyes are so blue" Sophie said dreamily. "Guys can we keep the drooling to a minimum please, it's getting uncomfortable" I stated, expressing my annoyance. "Yeah okay, we're sorry" Taylor said, filling in for our friends. It was slowly becoming annoying watching them all stare at him. I couldn't come out and say he was my boyfriend, that wouldn't work because I'm a student. And I sure as hell couldn't tell them that Dick and I were comic book characters. I was saved by the bell yet again when it ended our double period. I was one of the last to leave the classroom and I stalked out the door past him as quickly as possible. Why the hell is he here?
I stormed off to find Charlie and rant to her about my frustration. She was sat in our spot as usual apart from she was accompanied by Grace and James. Luke was probably in the library as per usual. "Chaz he's here. He was my bloody cover teacher and he's at school right now" I ranted. "Who's here?" Charlie asked confused. "I guess she means me," the mischievous voice behind me spoke. I turned around and glared at him before retreating to Charlie's side. Her eyes were wide with amazement before she began laughing. "It's nice to finally see you again Chaz" He spoke. "The delight is returned. I didn't expect to see you here" Charlie replied. "Guys who is this guy?" James asked from beside Charlie. "He's Dick Grayson of course" Charlie replied.
"Wait he's Dick Grayson?!" James asked bewildered. I sighed. "Yes he is, but he shouldn't be here, and he definitely shouldn't be acting as my cover teacher for a whole double period" I moaned. "Aw but I wanted to surprise you with something I found on my case" he moaned. "Case?" Grace asked. "I'm a cop" he replied. "But I thought you said he was your cover teacher?" James asked. "He was but it won't be permanent" I replied. Dick came and sat by me, his arms around my waist as he rested his head on my shoulder. "Dick people are gonna think this is weird. You just appeared as a cover teacher and now you're hugging me. And as much as I love your hugs, it's really uncomfortable at school. Everyone will stare because you're really obvious eye candy" I stated. "I was right, you guys are adorable!" James exclaimed. "Wha? Rob what does your friend mean by that?" Dick asked.
"Dick that's James, beside him is Grace. James had previously butted in on one of the conversations I was having with Charlie about you, and well, he said we sounded adorable." I explained. Dick smiled at my explanation. "Well James you are absolutely right" he said agreeing with the brunette. "But wait aren't you supposed to be the playboy?" James asked confused now. Charlie laughed at him. "James he can still be both, you know that right?" She said. James took her words into consideration and his puzzled look disappeared. "Anyway I believe we have some answers that we need, but I'm afraid it's private so you guys need to clear off now if thats okay" Charlie said, taking control of the situation and shooing Grace and James away. She nodded to me and I grabbed Charlie and Dick's hands and we ran behind the bushes before I teleported us away to my room.

Girl Of Two Worlds
FanfictionAll her life Robin had always been the geeky girl with her head stuck in a comic, she had few friends and a small family consisting of a kitten and an adoptive parent. Life was pretty average and normal until someone from a different world took her...