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Robin's POV
When day two finally came to an end I sat down at my desk with the same mountain of work as the day before, apart from this time, due to my memory coming back I got through it much quicker. Surprisingly the work I was given became easier and easier as the level of work got higher. I was expecting another call from the boys again today, but it didn't come. Well at first I thought they'd be out on a mission running surveillance or something, but after me and my aunt ate our tea, I heard the distant sound of my ringing phone and the batman theme tune I'd registered as their ringtone. I was expecting a screen full of faces however I was greeted by only one, my father's.

"Um hi dad how's it going" I asked nervously. This was the first time we had spoken since I disappeared for a second time. I wanted to run and hide but my fight or flight instincts forced me to stay, after all I was the only one other than Damian who would stand up to our father. I guess only a Wayne could stand up to a Wayne.

"I'm good thank you, how's your aunt?" He replied. "She's good, I'm gonna bring her over to visit sometime, she needs Alfred's cooking" I stated. "How long will you be staying with your aunt?" He asked. "Until I finish school and my exams, why'd you ask? Is there something wrong at home?" I asked a little panicked. "No no, it's fine I was just wondering, the boys, Alfred and I just miss you that's all" he said to calm me down. "That's good, well I've gotta go, I've got work to do" I said patting the pile of books next to me. "I can see, well... be safe Robin, I love you" he said. I smiled and said "I love you too Dad" and ended the call. Why do I get the feeling something was up with him... hmmm... it must be his petty parent worries, although I guess they weren't just typical for our family. I shrugged it off and started working, this homework wouldn't get done itself now would it.

I was about halfway through the pile when I was called down for tea. "Tonight we're having Spaghetti Bolognese" my aunt said pre-emptively as she saw the hunger in my eyes, as I burst through the kitchen door. My nose was screaming in delight as the tasty aroma drifted from the food, I almost could've drooled, but of course the only food able to make me do that was Alfred's cooking. "Thanks for the food" I chirped as I sat at the island. I dived into the divine meal and my stomach ever so slowly filled with the warm and scrumptious food. "So how was your day?" I asked, before putting another forkful of food in my mouth. "Ah it was okay, we weren't that busy today" she replied and went back to eating.

You see she was a journalist, and she was only busy when there were a lot of stories to go around, she even wrote the story in the paper about the Joker, but of course she could censor it to make sure our little secret didn't get out. Overall she was a pretty hard worker and lots of her stories have been big hits, she's quite the professional. "No juicy gossip today either?" I asked. Being a journalist means you get to hear all the inside gossip on some pretty deep stories that even the public didn't know. "Actually there was, you now that big theft from that corporation a few days ago?" I nodded, my mouth full of food. "Well turns out he was having an affair and the other woman took the money from him, he's trying to pay off the papers to not write about him, which makes it even juicer" my aunt finished explaining. "Well I guess it serves him right" I stated. "Yeah I guess so, so how was your day Rob?" My aunt asked.

I thought about having to teleport to school and my run in with Andy from the football team. "I'd say it's been pretty interesting" I replied. "Oh do tell" she said intrigued. "I teleported Chaz and I to school. Oh and I punched the captain of the football team. His nose was bleeding a lot. But it's fine" I said calmly. My aunt's eyes widened. "I guess you taught him a thing or too, but this doesn't happen to be the same Captain of the football team as last time does it?" She asked. I looked down. "Rob c'mon I told you that you couldn't just punch your way through people when they're mean." She said, like she had said the last three times I'd punched the football captain, luckily for Andy he was a repeat offender, he should be privileged to get a punch from me twice, others didn't normally last that long. "I know but he insulted Chaz and I couldn't hold back," I exclaimed, justifying myself.

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