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Robin's POV
Sorry for what? I gave Charlie a questioning glance, hoping she would elaborate more, but in all truth she couldn't really say anything otherwise my fate could change. "Just towards the end of the comic, something happens and it just ends, it looks like the story isn't finished and the creator was just having a hard time deciding which way to go with the story" Charlie shakily replied. "I'll be okay Charlie, whatever the comic says, it's not finished right? So I make my own fate from here on out" I spoke, trying to comfort her paranoia and the rising discomfort in my stomach. "Yeah you're right" Charlie said wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Um I know it's probably not going to help, but after everything you've been through Rob I believe you can do this. And, if it means anything to you, I think the whole school is more than happy to welcome you back. You're our hero after all" James spoke sincerely. I smiled at James and thanked him, "it means a lot to me James. If this is goodbye I hope you have a good one, you're a nice guy James, don't let anyone tell you otherwise" I replied, giving him a quick hug. "Go get them Rob" Charlie whispered. I hugged her tightly, both of us hoping that this wouldn't be our last time together. "Tell my Aunt I love her for me" I whispered as we parted. "I will. Stay safe Rob, I'll be waiting" Charlie replied quietly. I nodded and created a portal in the floor. I turned to them to say some final words, "you guys keep that comic safe, it's the one thing which the Joker needs to defeat me." Just like that I was gone. Fear struck me like lightening as I realised that I might not see the other world again, but that was a burden only a girl of two worlds could ever have.

Determined to not let my life end tonight, when I arrived home I immediately changed and headed straight to the cave to train. The guys were all hanging around the cave anyway, Tim was at the computer with Dad and Dick, while Jason and Damian were both training. When I walked back in the others seemed too focused to notice my arrival, so I silently walked past and left them to it while I headed to join Damian and Jason. I remembered Dad had said Wally was here also, but looking around I couldn't find him. Confused I took another quick look around to find the speedster in front of me.

"Sorry Rob, I hijacked your portal. You've got some nice friends by the way," he said. "You didn't talk to them did you?" I asked. "Well no not really I just asked them where you were and they told me where I'd ended up" he explained. I sighed in relief. If Wally got wind about the comic then he might mess with tonight's events, especially if something happened to me or Dick. "Okay then, so what are you doing here? Training or helping?" I asked. "I'd like to help, but Tim won't let me anywhere near the computer so I guess it's training for me" he replied, rather annoyed he couldn't nerd out with Tim and Dick. "Come train with me then, I've got something I'd like to try out and I think you might remember it" I said smirking. Wally grinned smugly. "Bring it on Rob."

Flashback - location Mount Justice
I was brought in to help the team by my dad. Apparently they'd need my brain to help them with something, although I'm pretty sure Dick would have been just as good as myself. Dad led me in with him, a small black mask over my face and my own black gear strapped to my body. This wasn't my first time here  and Dad left me to my own devices when we entered the main room. I listened out for the usual laughter that resonated from Dick and Wally and found myself smiling when the speedster came running into the room pulling Dick along behind him. "I didn't know you were here today" Dick spoke. I shrugged, "apparently you needed my help for something." Dick looked to Wally and they exchanged confused glances. "Let's go find out shall we?" Wally suggested, smirking. I nodded and we went to go look for the others.

When we found them they were loading up a ship with gear, the rest of the team already strapping themselves into the seats. "Good timing you three, the mission needs to be moved forward, we're sending you out now" Black Canary explained. We nodded and joined them, not knowing what we were getting ourselves into. Once we set off we discovered that we were going into space, a distress call had come from the American space station and the justice league were out on a mission already. That left us. Aside from Black Canary and Martian Manhunter of course, they were looking after everything else. We were quickly debriefed by Aqualad as we docked with the space station.

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