Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I get back to our new hotel and sit in the room, I just sit in there for awhile, and do nothing but be bored.

I wonder where Evra is, I hope he is OK. I know you're probably annoyed with me, because I keep thinking that. What do you expect? He's my best friend and he was kidnapped! You can't expect me to be all happy-go-lucky about the whole thing.

I start humming to myself - trying to calm myself down - before long I start full blown singing, I actually calm down a lot, but not enough and decide to head out. I leave the room and go for a walk, prepared to have someone come and bother me, though I hope no one does.

The snow was absolutely beautiful, I wish Evra could be here to watch the snow fall with me. Hey, maybe I should stop being pessimistic, maybe he managed to escape from his kidnapper and is on his way back tithe Cirque now! No... Evra wouldn't do that, at least I hope. He would come to us first, or try to - I hope. My anxiety starts creeping back and I start humming to myself again.

People always told me I was a good singer, I was actually thinking of trying to become a musician when I grew up - but look where that went.

Starting to get sick again I quickly head back to the hotel room.

The sun starts setting so I quicken my speed and practically sprint into the room. When I get there I see Darren is back and Mr. Crepsley is awake.

"Tux, you are back." Mr. Crepsley says.

"Nah." I say sarcastically.

"We are going to be going in the sewers." Mr. Crepsley says nonchalantly - we've been checking rooces and hotel rooms for a while.


"Murlough talked to me while I was walking, he was in a sewer drain. He said we could get Evra back if I traded Mr. Crepsley for him. I said no..." Darren says trailing off expecting me to freak out.

"I would have said yes, but that's because Mr. Crepsley isn't my mentor, he's yours. So don't worry I won't freak out, about that."

His eyes widen. "Really? Even if I tell you he'll kill Evra on Christmas?"


"Yeah, he said that..."

"Well we better get going. And fast." Mr. Crepsley says.

"Right." Darren and I say in unison. And with that we leave the hotel, into the sewers, into the nasty muggy tunnels of the city.

The green sludge we are walking in looks a lot like slime - or vomit. The white shine from our flashlights make almost everything visible in the usually dark tunnels. Rats and bugs crawling all of the place - some crawling in our soggy shoes and socks.

I can't believe this is happening right now! Not only is Evra gonna die, but my favorite keepsake from home is all messed up - my boots and socks my mom packed for me.

Its morning now and we are in the hotel room, Mr. Crepsley is sleeping.

"Still no luck, I'm so worried!" I whine.

"He'll be fine, I swear."

While we were gone Darren told us all the details on his conversation with Murlough.

Murlough said that he would kill Evra on Christmas. He also said that he might go after Debbie (which I wish he would, sort of).

"He's gonna die tomorrow! Its the 24! We'll never get to him in time!" I start crying.

"What happened to you being filled with confidence?"

"That all died, no point in it when we are hours away from losing our best friend!! I'm going to the park..." I say while walking out of the room and to the empty park.

It was only about 6 A.M. but it was still fairly dark outside.

I sit at the tree.

I sit with my knees up and cradle myself into my silent tears.

I'm such a terrible friend. I just had to skip that one day! Its always the day I'm not there that stuff happened. I really am not needed!

Some best friend I turned out to be, huh? No... Darren definitely is worse than I. He was there and he could have stopped it.

And before I can continue the thought, I hear a long BAM and I'm out cold.

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