you're ignoring me

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chapter six ;; you're ignoring me
taehyung's perspective

This pixie was bothersome. He's far too small and far too weak to be a man. Maybe he's of another species that our world has yet to acknowledge. The way he moves is so odd like a lightweight. He's a feather, one that people step over as they're more interested in the bright parrot feather that just fell next to his own.

"Taehyung, don't get a nosebleed." Yoongi says, nudging me with his elbow, "I only asked you what you wanted for lunch today."

"When did you ask me that?" I ask the spearmint, confused that I never heard his low voice call out to me.

"About four minutes ago. You've been standing here like an idiot." Yoongi says, crossing his arms and leaning against the locker next to mine. I glare over at Yoongi, mad at him for calling me a rude name once more. Even if I knew Yoongi didn't mean it, at times it was still aggravating, "Hey, don't get too grumpy. I did nothing wrong."

"Yeah but you ran your dumbass mouth." I snap at him while aggressively grabbing things for my next period and shoving in what I didn't need with me.

"Whoa, whoa, Taehyung, that was a bit uncalled for." Namjoon interjects, coming up to Yoongi and I with Seokjin at his side. I roll my eyes at Namjoon, continuing to grab what I need before slamming my locker shut and walking away.

"Yoongi, what did you do to tick him off this time?" Seokjin asks.

"I did nothing wrong. He's just being an asshole as usual." He bellows so I can hear it as well.

"I get it. I'm the asshole."

"Right now, you sure are acting like it." Seokjin says, "Come over here so I can speak with you, and we can situate whatever the hell you're so mad about because I know that you're not mad at Yoongi."

A sigh emits from my lips, looking down at the ground while trudging back over to the group. Seokjin was right, I'm not mad at Yoongi. I could never be mad at Yoongi; I loved him as a brother. Respect for Yoongi was high in my mindset. My mind just wasn't right today and it might be because the same song lyrics held behind the same voice wouldn't stop playing over and over again.

"I'm sorry Yoongi." I mutter, head ducked down, "I don't know what's gotten into me-"

"Yoongi left and so did Namjoon." Seokjin tells me, placing a hand on my shoulder, "I swear, everyone's been acting oddly."

"Who else has been acting weird lately?"

"That poor Jeongguk kid. It's such a shame. He probably has a lot to say but doesn't want to bother anyone about it."

"How do you know that?" I push on, raising my voice.

Seokjin flinches at this, baffled, "I got his phone number."

My body tenses as a whole, fists clenching and toes curling inside of my black studded shoes, "How come I could barely get a word out him, but you've talked with him and received his phone number?"

"Why are you so bothered by it?" Seokjin demands, regaining confidence in his voice, "Did Jeongguk say anything to you?"

"He didn't say enough." Rumbling, I look down at our close feet, "...No, he didn't say anything."

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