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chapter fifty-nine ;; epilogue
third person

Taehyung slowly woke up, eyes groggy and voice raspy. He was older now. He already moved out of his old home and finished with college, but the twenty-four year old male couldn't help but sigh once seeing that the spot next to him was in fact empty. It was like this almost every morning, waking up to a new bed all by himself.

He slowly sat up, bones cracking and skin paler. Taehyung blamed it on his job, how he'd sit for hours on end but at the same time work his ass off; he was a football coach. His parents hadn't really helped money wise. Taehyung announced the wish to be independent and not use his family's large amounts of money years ago..

The sound of heavy footsteps filled the living quarters, a large hand running through hair now only black. Taehyung would always miss his combination of green and brown, the reminder of the past and what used to be, but there was a desperate need to change everything after what had happened.

The now man walks around leisurely and strains to hear a familiar tune playing through the apartment, looking at family portraits over the walls and mantels, feeling his morning vibes go down more and more with each passing second. Taehyung was no doubt sad today, even after all this time. Those vivid memories of the past could never leave his mind, no matter how many years past. They stayed strong like a technicolor film, like a tattoo on the back of his eyelids. Everything still felt like it was only yesterday, and he had to shake his head to rid of the petrifying thoughts.

Footsteps continued, looking at a certain photo perched to the side, a photo from a little more than six years ago. A pale and small boy sat with brightly shining eyes and a beautiful smile conjured in only the rawest of jubilance, next to a boy only a year older, green running through brown bangs. Taehyung could hear his lover's past cheers of joy once Taehyung had won yet another game.

He went along after a few stretched out moments until stopping at the back room. The beautiful sounds of a piano melody played through the slightly cracked door, and Taehyung's heart instantly warmed, opening the wood painted white even more to showcase the back of a head. Brown locks of hair tousled in front of Taehyung, and the elder male continued to watch the latter happily play piano in a soft entrance.

"Hey." Taehyung speaks once the music had stopped. A tan face showed at the familiar voice.

"You scared me." His voice was low and smooth, almost anything beyond imagination. Taehyung only let out a soft chuckle and went further into the room to sit next to the latter, "Are you going in for work today?"

Taehyung shakes his head, "You know I don't go to work today," he speaks matter-of-factly, causing the latter to shrug, "and I know you find it somewhat stupid, but it just means a lot to me, baby." Taehyung's eyes find a new sparkle in an excited gleam, "Speaking of baby, where's Jisu and Sungmin?"

As if on cue, two small children come running into the room with bright smiles, although Jisu falls on her poor face. She gets up nonetheless as if nothing happened and trots over to the piano stool. Without any help needed, the two year old climbs up and onto the smooth seat, sitting next to the one who had already been playing, and on the other hand, Sungnim had took a comfortable place on Taehyung's lap, smiling brightly and giggling once Taehyung began to bounce one of his knees up and down.

"Daddy, daddy!" Jisu squeaks, "I wanna play with you!"

"Alright, what song would you like to play?"

Jisu sits for a moment, thinking, "The one you first met Daddy with!" She proudly smiles, eyes turning into crescents. Jimin would always joke as if he attributed to the prominent and adorable trait. Taehyung smiles over at the small girl.

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