school day

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chapter fifty-one ;; school day
third person

"I'm not going to school!" Jeongguk shouts at Taehyung, fear rushing through his thin veins that were already pulsating with immature white blood cells, "I- I'm not fit to go." He reasons, voice coming out quiet and wavering in the slightest.

The older boy only stared at him, the two sitting across from one another on Taehyung's plush bed. His face was slack, disappointed in Jeongguk. He couldn't really be aggravated; Taehyung couldn't relate to what the young boy was going through, couldn't necessarily put himself into Jeongguk's place, but Taehyung knew he would at least try to do something about it.

"You'd go for me if you truly cared." Taehyung drones, eyes blank and not truly wanting to deal with this.

"I do care-"

"Then you would go, for me."

Jeongguk bites his lip with tearful eyes, looking down at his dainty hands. Veins shined through the practically translucent skin and radiated a sheen of white, like snow. The boy was practically Snow White. He tried to be strong. He tried not to act like the whole world's against him and everything should go his way, but it was hard sometimes.

"At least for yourself."

"Fine...I'll go, for you." The young boy whispers, slowly looking up and being met with a small smiling Taehyung.

No teeth showed, but warm hands did hold his face, and soft, thick lips met his own mouth. The outside weather was extremely cold. Snow littered the ground in inches, but the feeling of Taehyung's lips moving against his almost made the cold disappear altogether, dissipate into something else.

The sound of lips moving with one another sounded, a small bottom lip being bit down on for entrance, and Jeongguk couldn't help but let out a light sigh of satisfaction. The small body in front of him now turn to that underneath.

"Guk." Taehyung lowly mumbles before reconnecting.

He felt something welling up inside, something to replace that empty feeling that'd been prominently felt lately. Jeongguk only hummed in response, a light vibration being shared between the two of them. They both didn't want to stop, slim fingers running through Taehyung's soft hair, and coarse hands gripped tightly onto the smaller's waist. Everything almost seemed to be at peace.

Taehyung hand slowly moves downward, running down Jungkook's protruding hipbone. The younger pulls away from their kiss only getting more and more desperate in soft pants, "Tae..." He whispers, letting his hands go from the elder's hair, down to a smooth and tanned face.

Taehyung reached up as well, wiping away the thick string of saliva linking their two red lips together, "Will you go to dinner with me tomorrow?" Jeongguk slowly nods, enjoying the feeling of Taehyung's face underneath his fingertips, "Maybe we shouldn't be doing this now..." The younger boy nods again, silently rubbing his eyes, as Taehyung crawls off, "You're tired, aren't you?"


The two were now laying in a comfortable position, Taehyung's chin wresting on Jeongguk's thin forearm. Their faces were looking at one another, eyes staring and bodies tired, "I love you." Taehyung's fingers draw patterns along Jeongguk's hand.

Said boy leans forward to close the gap, which was barely there to begin with. A soft and opened mouth kiss was shared, responding with another short," I love you.", before going back to their original positions.


They both silently walk to Taehyung's sleek car. Large, fluffy winter coats were placed onto their bodies. Jeongguk was practically engulfed by his, as he had to borrow one of Taehyung's, but the brunette thought he looked cute anyways, sleeves going past his small hands and reaching almost knee length.

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