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chapter twenty-seven ;; packing
jeongguk's perspective

"T-Tae," I hesitantly ask into the morning hours, rubbing my tired and still drowsy eyes with the back of my hand. I wiped off painful eye crust clinging to my skin while slowly sitting up, "It's Saturday. Why are you waking me up so early?" I groan, eyes still adjusting to the world around, which currently only consisted of a boy sitting on the bed in front of me.

"Morning." Is all he speaks with a soft and low voice, leaning forward to capture me in a sweet peck on the lips. I still wasn't used to the regular kisses he ensued, but Friday was a day spent with new experiences of quick kisses shared in the school hallway and nice side hugs.

"What are you doing?" I whine, letting my head fall forward, comfortably landing on Taehyung's strong shoulder. My body was exceptionally tired today, not wanting to move at all. Ultimately, I felt weak and wanted to rest but knew that I couldn't. It would upset Taehyung.

"I'm packing up your stuff." Taehyung nonchalantly tells me before walking back over to the closet, where he nicely folds and places my clothes into a large suitcase.

"What? Why? Where are we going?" It was too early for me to calculate anything or put together the words Taehyung was saying properly. My mind was reading the words on the page but it wasn't making sense of them.

"You said yes to moving in with me." Taehyung softly explains and glances over before continuing to take out my things and put them in the suitcase. It made me feel uneasy.

"N-No I didn't." I love my townhouse more than anything.

It has taken years of collecting and rearranging things about to make it compatible with what I like. Seeing all of the work go to waste made me extremely sad. Of course, I'd love to live with Taehyung, but I don't want to leave here. It was familiar. It's not like I saw father at all while retrieving the monthly pay I received. The paper was sent via mail, to where I'd open up an envelope filled, and it was my responsibility to put it in a bank account for safe keeping.

"Yes, you did, on the night when we were in my car." He turns with serious eyes, pulling another shirt off of a coat hanger, "I'm not allowing you to live off of that bastard anymore." Instead of nicely folding the soft material, Taehyung throws it into the suitcase with anger and turns back to my closet, "I haven't even met the guy, and I already want to kill him." I gulped at his darkened tone, and my eyes fluttered for a moment. I knew that Taehyung could get angered easily, but this time seemed a whole lot more real, like he was already coming up with plans on how to murder Father. Taehyung sadly sighs, staring down at his feet before glancing over at me, "Sorry, I know you don't like it when I talk like that."

I nod to acknowledge his apology but continue, "I said yes to being with you, not living with you."

"Sorry, baby, but that was part of the deal." My cheeks instantly turn aflame at the words, and it contrasted with the black messy bed hair on the top of my head. Taehyung softly chuckles and slowly zips up the suitcase not containing many items to be moving in with someone, "I'm just joking, don't worry," he softly smiles while walking over and sitting down across from me again, so my legs are right against his side, "but I want you to stay at my place for a week, just to test it out, y'know?" Taehyung's hand snakes up my neck and nicely places itself onto my cold cheek.

I enjoyed it when he cupped my face. It made me feel like a prize possession, and there was always a softness in the caress of his rough hands making me purr with satisfaction and contentment. Taehyung knew that. He knew how'd melt, and he knew to do it whenever I'd tense up. It's like an alarm goes off in his head, one that indicates to start doing something in order to calm. This time it ended in a tender kiss placed onto my rosy lips still dry from sleep. Taehyung knew a lot about me now.

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