slashed cord

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chapter forty-six ;; slashed cord
third person

The car ride was anything but calm. Jeongguk's heart was booming against his ribcage with such a terrifying velocity, he thought it might lead to a heart attack. Taehyung, on the other hand, didn't show his fear quiet as much. The boy was more angered than afraid. He was about to meet a man, one who tortured the beautiful boy next to him, gave bruises and scars beyond repair. There would have to be so much constriction, unless he'd end up punching someone.

A single white and magenta flower was twisted between nimble fingertips, as another pair tightly gripped a steering wheel. Both of their eyes were set, being concentrated with what was in front of them. Rosy lips had gone a light pink, much lighter than the magenta that flew and spread. A young boy sighs, leaning further into his chair with closed eyes.

He'd be eighteen soon, already feeling like that age had been passed years ago. A seventeen year old felt nothing like his age. He still got scared like a seventeen year old. Those of eighteen seem to have some sort of thing, a thing where fear is merely nothing for them nor a concern. It made Jeongguk jealous. Taehyung seemed to have no fear of anything, when really, the elder boy was just good at hiding it.

"Are you scared?" Jeongguk blurts out in a somewhat frantic tone, catching Taehyung off guard and sending an odd stare. Dark brown eyes flutter shut at the revelation of how weird he's acting.

"Of course I'm scared." The elder reassures, taking one hand off of the wheel and placing it onto a slim thigh.

"Y-You're not acting scared."

"Because I'm trying to look strong for you." Jeongguk goes silent at that, realizing how stupid he must look for not assuming since the beginning.


It had happened so quickly, one thing after another and they were already at a doorstep. It seeped danger and fear, causing Jeongguk to stumble backwards upon a certain front door opening, revealing a rather handsome man.

No one would suspect the horrors that had been conjured inside the house. The two didn't even look related, but Jeongguk knew that this was him, this was the one he hid from, the one he almost killed himself because of.

"Mr. Jeon." Taehyung was the first to speak, as always, voice surprisingly strong, even though his hands were shaking ever so slightly while clutching onto Jeongguk's forearm. He couldn't decide if he was shaking with fear or anger. Both emotions were swirling to create something along the lines of a deadly concoction.

"And who are you?" Mr. Jeon asks, eyes sharp and angered.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, and I wish to come inside your house to talk to you with Jeongguk."

Mr. Jeon heaves out a heavy sigh. He's acting as if this was far too much work. Seeing his son was a burden. After all, the boy hadn't seen the horrible man in a year and a half. Everything went to hell once Jeongguk's mom passed away. The stories and memories tell that.

Jeongguk feels like he hasn't had a dad in a very long while.

"Fine." Mr. Jeon huffs. The two of them suspected an argument, something much worse and brutal.

Taehyung takes ahold of Jeongguk's hand, but the younger boy to jerks it away with the quick shake of a head. Even in acceptance of coming inside a somewhat small house, fear was still prominent, and no chances wanted to be taken. Another time would be prepared for skinship and loving gestures. Just not here.

"Thank you, Mr. Jeon." Taehyung faintly speaks.

It made a shiver erupt up their spines, traveling towards fingertips and essentially bleeding out into the air. Jeongguk's hands had become extremely clammy, audibly gulping at the sight of old furniture he'd been pinned down against, forced to drink copious amounts of alcohol as his father held onto the sharp jaw. His father had said it would make the pain go away. The same man who was currently gesturing for the two boys to sit down on a sofa across from another, an aggressive face shown, was the one to hurt Jeongguk.

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