bottled truth

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chapter thirty-two ;; bottled truth
jeongguk's perspective

"Yoongi?" I worriedly call while lightly knocking on his door.

There were sounds of glass shattering and things being thrown across the room followed by slurred shouting. It was a silent Saturday, until now. Taehyung had left for the gym, and his parents were on another business trip, leaving me with Yoongi who was now throwing some kind of fit. I was unbelievably scared, shaking and wondering if I'd accidentally become a victim upon his current enraged state. Rather than shouting, my whole body was silent, other than my desperate calls for the older's name.

"I can't fucking believe this!" Yoongi shouts. A loud thump follows as he was presumably jumping around while shouting. Another sound of glass shattering breaks throughout behind the closed door.

"Yoongi, I- I'm coming in." There was no lie my shaky hands were an indicator I wasn't okay, along with the weakness of my whole body. It was undeniably casted with another fever. Taehyung didn't know of it; I didn't want him worrying about me. Now was not a time for complaining but rather a time to suck up whatever frailty claimed my small body.

I let the fluffy blanket fall from my shoulders and instead pull the flannel loosely gripping onto my torso closer. It wasn't nearly as warm, body being inflicted by a rush of cool wind, but I had to deal with it for now. My trembling hand reaches forward and twists the door knob while holding back all fragility to reveal a raging Yoongi in the process of throwing a bottle of liquor across the room.

Not again.

"What am I supposed to do?!" He shouts at the top of his lungs with slurred words. Yoongi's head throws back as he screams the words, a cry imbedded into the sound. I've never seen him look such a way, eyes hidden behind clamped eyelids. He abruptly grabs another bottle and swigs it back to allow the nasty liquid to pass down his throat.

"Y-Yoongi?" I say once more, voice quiet and the complete opposite of firm. It was nothing like Taehyung's voice used to control situations. I've never been one to control others. I'm always the one to be controlled, "Calm down, please."

"You." Yoongi instantly turns towards me with a stumble from loss of footing. He was completely drunk, and the pungent aroma of alcohol almost has me gagging. I scurry backwards at the dark tone of his voice, "Why does he have to still be hooked on you?" Yoongi whispers with a cracked tone, "Why...Why do I have to be put in this situation. I- I never asked for this..." His eyes were squinted, sounding so bewildered.

"Wh-What do you mean?" I ask with a weary tone, not fully wrapping my head around the words tumbling past Yoongi's lips that probably tasted of whiskey as they reeked of the scent.

Yoongi lets out a bitter laugh, "I'm talking about Jimin, of course." He shakes his head with an unwanted smile, "That boy is still hooked onto you, even though he denies it." There was a tone of jealousy, and it made an uneasiness fall throughout. He was covered in a mask of drunk, more than likely not realizing what he's saying. I haven't seen Yoongi all day. Taehyung told me he had left earlier. With my common sense, it was obvious this was tied to whatever happened.

"He- He is over me. Jimin said so himself." I reassuringly say. I did all I can to help the older who was utterly in a fragile state. My mind had no control over Jimin and what he does, but it made me feel bad, knowing that he may still be into me, even though Jimin said differently with such defined words.

"He lied." Yoongi bellows before taking another quick swig and losing his footing once more, "When you begin to palm someone while making out, they're not supposed to moan out someone else's name." He pulls his arm up and lets the still half full bottle fall to the ground with an aggressively loud crash, "I've lost Hoseok from telling him how I feel, and I've lost the one who I thought was over you!"

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