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chapter twenty-four ;; fever
jeongguk's perspective

"Jeongguk." A distant voice calls out, taking me away from the darkness that no longer consisted a dream of a bath bomb sky. What a shame, I was expecting to soar with Mr. Tan again but instead got my hopes up for nothing, "Hey, it's time to wake up." Fingertips brush my damp forehead, quickly pulling away with a hiss, "Shit, you're hot."

"Hmmm." I whine into the pillow cushioning my head that was pounding like crazy. If a fever was dancing across my body, I wouldn't be surprised one bit by the feeling in my head that spreads throughout.

"Stay here." Taehyung orders once my eyes lazily droop open. It was practically impossible to stay awake. Weakness was prominent and drew my eyes down with a haunting that reached my soul. There was no glitter and swirls of pink as my body was on fire.

The next thing I know, Taehyung's ordering me to open up my mouth which I reluctantly do in a sluggish fashion. My source of warmth was slowly pulled off of my body as it took shape of a white comforter, a loud whine breaking pass my dry lips that a thermometer clung from, "I'm cold."

"How are you cold? You feel like a thousand degrees." A sudden beep sounds, making me lightly jump and sadly stare up at Taehyung who wouldn't stop fidgeting around on the spot. He ran a quick and coarse hand through his hair that I still didn't know the texture of and loudly sighs, "You have a fever of one hundred and two point four degrees. You're staying home today, we both are...Please," Taehyung lightly touches my damp arm that was covered in sweat meanwhile I was under covers. There was currently no comfy in between for me, "get up, for me." He begs in a whispered tone.

I groan when the idea of moving comes into mind, unwillingly being pulled up by Taehyung who was holding me like a porcelain doll. Yes, I wasn't my best right now, and the doll's white skin probably matched mine, but I could hold my own and take care of myself. I'd done it many times before when I was still living without an extra limb.

"I'm fine, Taehyungie." I sounded like a baby, rubbing my eye with the back of my hand in an attempt to wake up more.

"You can barely keep your eyes open." Taehyung tenderly says with a lightness that it may have just been a day dream. Coarse skin cups the side of my face and sends currents of coolness waltzing through my body in satisfaction. A thumb runs across my cheekbone, and I purr into the touch, nuzzling into him like a kitten, "I'm staying and that's final, okay?" Nonetheless, my head nods against his will, a controlled feeling that only Taehyung held above my head like a little school girl and her crush that'd pick on her.

"Fine, stay."

Brown eyes turn into slits, finally allowing me to see Taehyung's soft smile for a face. A benevolent kiss on the cheek that he wasn't latching onto briskly follows, and I dumbly smile like a drunk, adoring the feeling. It reminded me that not all of Taehyung was rough, his lips being a strong way to convey such a thing.

It seemed like we only ever did these type of things at night when the stars were high- caressing and kissing faces, everywhere but the lips -but here we were in morning with the sun beaming light down on the two of us. It was probably due to my current state, but I like to believe that's not the case.

Taehyung glances over at the clock, giving me a view of his neck before turning back towards me with a light smile, "We slept in late anyways." His smile shows teeth now, a bright rectangle placed before me that's accompanied by two crescents that crinkle and dazzle. I grin back at him, eyes bright and staring up. Taehyung's hand was still prominently felt on my face, and I secretly didn't want him to let go, "I'm going to get you some medicine and a cold rag, okay? I'll be right back." A soft kiss lands on my forehead, sending me into overdrive once he leaves the room, falling on my back and letting out a loud sigh.

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