one night

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prepare yourselves


chapter fifty-two ;; one night
third person

"T-Taehyung..." Jeongguk whimpers, making his lower body conflict with the older's. He's not sure what had caused this sudden moment between the two of them, but the younger wasn't complaining one bit.

The latter tried to pull out of Jeongguk's surprisingly tight grasp, staring down at him with dilated eyes. All that Taehyung was met with was the younger's eyelids. Long eyelashes were on display, back arched and lips parted, "Baby," he firmly begins, continuing to pull away, "we still have to go-." They were in their clothes for that night already, fabrics beginning to wrinkle.

"Alright." Jeongguk huffs with a loud whine, falling back into an almost limp position.

Eyes still closed and not truly wanting to deal with anything except for Taehyung, he slowly sits up, eyelids fluttering open and eye contact sharp with the elder. Their lips slowly met together, sharing a sweet kiss before crawling off of the bed. Although, it was more of Taehyung walking while tiny Jeongguk was cradled in his arms. Walking down so many flights of stairs was already tiring for the seventeen year old, causing Taehyung's poor heart to crack just a little more.

"It's your birthday tomorrow." A low voice announces, earning a nod against a toned chest. They were slowly walking down the second flight of stairs, this one much shorter than the first. Taehyung lightly smiles, "Can I give you your birthday present tonight?"

Jeongguk looks up with furrowed eyes, not understanding any of this. He was only met with a soft smile and light kiss to the cheek. Even though he felt like a child, wrapped up in the elder's arms and carefully taken cared of, the look flashing through brown eyes didn't seem childish at all. A tone of seriousness harbored in the back of Taehyung's mind, and that was loud and clear for the latter. That's why a smaller's heart beat had begun to race.

"Y-Yeah." Jeongguk stutters, voice faint and almost distant. His pastel pink socks were slowly touching the ground, starting with a soft graze to his toes before finally being balanced. His arm remained around broad shoulders and gazes remained locked, "What are you planning?"

Dainty fingers begin to run through Taehyung's soft hair. Even with the trip to the hair salon to get green highlights once more, there was no haircut, and it aloud Jeongguk to easily run his fingers through the smooth brown, "You'll see." Taehyung smiles for barely a second before it suddenly falls again, lips suddenly reconnecting with Jeongguk's soft and rosy ones.

The two were like magnets, unimaginably impossible to separate. Sweater covered hands reached up and cupped Taehyung's jawline, pulling him down in order to kiss him easier. The elder's hands rested nicely onto the back of the almost eighteen year old. Pulling apart to only reattach seemed to play out for minutes upon minutes, heads tilting to opposite sides and eyes fluttered shut.

"You're blocking the stairs," A deep voice drones, annoyed with the idea of not being able to go to his bedroom. There was a shorter boy with orange hair next to him, looking clingy, "so if you could please scoot over just two more feet, Jimin and I will gladly be on our way."

The older couple move over, Jeongguk's cheeks going aflame in embarrassment. Jimin's did the same, not exactly wanting people to know about his and Yoongi's sex life.

"Now come on," Taehyung chuckles, dragging Jeongguk out of the front door and to his car, "kinda glad that we're leaving the house now." He comments, earning a slap to the arm, which was only followed by shared laughs.

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