he likes me

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chapter fourteen ;; he likes me
jeongguk's perspective

I knew it to be true, the way he always stared at me. There was no lie in how his eyes lit up every time he glanced over anywhere close o my proximity. He always hides his eyes behind his hair, cheeks turning pink. The boy tried so hard to conceal his feelings for me and make them unknown to the naked eye, but it was far too obvious to deny. He really liked me, and I didn't know how to deal with such a thing.

I hated how I didn't like him back- how I couldn't like him back. I'd already spent multiple nights laying in my empty bed and trying to picture himself next to me. It was just impossible. The view didn't sit right in my head.

Park Jimin wasn't meant to be with me, and that was a fact. There was no other way to put it. I physically couldn't bring myself to liking Jimin back, and it hurt.

We had been friends for years, yet he didn't know much about me. All he knows is that something was wrong. Of course, he showed compassion...but it was in a way centered around himself. At times, I felt like he was helping me out of his own benefit and ended up gaining feelings on the journey. It saddened me to say that Taehyung knows the most about myself. Sometimes, I feel like he knows more about myself than I do. That's impossible, though, I hadn't told him anything yet and kept my sanity shielded.

"Jeonggukie," Jimin brightly smiles and wraps his arms around me, holding me close to his side. I freeze at the action. Jimin had never shown this much affection towards me in public, and I hated the feeling of it, "are you okay from what happened yesterday?" He pouts, placing his chin on my shoulder.

"Y-Yeah," I stutter out, wishing this contact would end between the two of us, "I'm fine, thanks for asking."

"Don't be silly," Jimin chuckles and removes his chin from my shoulder, only to stare down at me, "I'll always ask you if you're okay."

A nervous laugh escapes my lips as I mentally scream for Taehyung or someone to come along and end this moment. We were in the school hallways for god's sake. People could see this. They could stop and stare at the closeness which I hated more than most things. It was so awkward and unneeded.

Accustomed footsteps followed by the view of an accustomed figure begins to walk closer, finally calming my frantic and upset state. If we weren't out where everyone could see us, I'd probably pry Jimin off of me. He was like the glitter that would get everywhere and not leave. I didn't want that type of glitter. I wanted the kind that was pretty and knew when to leave. I wanted Taehyung.

Jimin's eyes leave mine and he meets with Taehyung, loosening his grip and slowly letting go. The same tension that was felt in the cafeteria returns. I feel as though this may be just as worse as when it was only Jimin and I. Taehyung strides over to my side, eventually prying his eyes away from Jimin and down towards me, a warm, rectangle smile spreading across his face.

"Hi," Taehyung says in a deep and calm tone, completely forgetting Jimin standing next to him with crossed arms and fixed stare, "did you take your medicine this morning?" He lets out a light laugh, trying to ease the dour atmosphere. I look up at him with a blank face that's hard to obtain, nodding my head with unadulterated wide eyes, "Good."

"Medicine, what?" Jimin cuts through our one-sided conversation and looks towards me, "You said that you were fine. Why do you need to take medicine now?"

"Jeongguk's been-" Taehyung begins, only he be cut off by Jimin's harsh tone.

"I asked Jeongguk." He snaps, glaring over at Taehyung.

"Hey, calm down." Taehyung explains, loosely putting his arms up in mock surrender. He must've noticed my flinch at Jimin's hurtful use of an emotion, "You should know that Jeongguk doesn't like that kind of tone."

"And how the fuck would you know anything about Jeongguk?" Jimin defensively questions.

"It's called spending time with him." Taehyung responds in a stern voice, while I watch the whole thing unfold in white noise. I hate fighting and shouting. The loud sounds and harsh words don't settle correctly with me.

Out of nowhere, Taehyung firmly grabs my hand, pulling me close to his side. With him, it was less terrifying to be so close. He's already made me used to it, I guess, the way we've already been like this countless times. Taehyung sends one last piteous look towards Jimin and pulls his lips into a thin line before leading me down the hallway with him, leaving Jimin behind, "That was awful." I quietly choke out, tightening my hand around the elder's.

"I know, and I'm sorry that you had to stand there. I didn't think Jimin wanted to fight." Taehyung softly says, and we both enter the empty boy's bathroom. He turns towards me and lets go of my hand, staring down at me for a while in silence before hesitantly bringing both hands to my face, "Are you really okay though?" If I could, I'd hide the rose dusting along the tops of chubby cheeks, but I simply can't when Taehyung's callused skin presses against my fairly smooth face. He lightly smiles down at me, beginning to move his thumbs along my cheekbones. I'm only able to nod, not trusting the words that are bound to come out in stutters, "Who knew Jimin could be so terrifying?" Taehyung lightly laughs, and I can't help but smile, the blank face that I was desperately trying to keep now gone.

"He likes me, that's why." I sadly speak, surprised that I was able to make a sentence without stuttering as Taehyung's hands remain on my face, "Jimin doesn't like it when other people get close to me."

A sigh passes Taehyung's lips, and he lets go of my face, instead pulling me into a hug. He knew not to do this in front of others, and I think that's why he brought us into here. I burry my head into Taehyung's chest and pray to whatever being that I can stay in this state of security and composure, "I know he does." His fingers run through my black hair, sending chills down my spine, "Do you like him too?"

I don't think Taehyung would care if I was gay. I hope he wouldn't, at least. I'd already known that he used to fool around with the cheerleader, Seoyun. I think everyone knew about their times spent in 'shielded' places. Hell, you could hear it at times. It concerned me that maybe Taehyung was only helping me out of pity since he could be spending his time with someone much better than I.

"I tried to," I breathe out of my mouth, the sound wavering while my body begins to shake. Taehyung only brings me closer and places his chin onto my head, "but I couldn't do it, no matter how hard I tried to. It's just I- I feel so bad for not returning the feeling." My arms finally lift up to clutch onto Taehyung's waist, hoping that it'll soothe myself.

"Calm down," He whispers into my hair, and my eyes close in an attempt to listen better. Maybe, if I didn't have my sense of sight, my sense of hearing and touch will be better, "don't beat yourself up for that. It's not your fault, and Jimin will have to deal with it."

"I'm just scared of how he'll react if I say no to him. You saw how he was out in the hallway. I don't want him to act that way towards me- being so hostile. It's like his normal self completely disappears and I hate it." I sniff into Taehyung's chest.

He exhales lightly and places a soft kiss onto my forehead. His lips were warm and inviting, much softer than his hands that could practically fit around my small thighs. His lips on my skin sent shockwaves through my system and warmed me to the core. The plump lips linger on my forehead, allowing myself to indulge in the harmless action and nature of Taehyung's current way. I couldn't help but close my eyes until he finally pulled away.

"Don't be scared, and if he ever does does some shit, text me and I'll try to be there was soon as possible, alright?" He reaches up to move a piece of fringe out of my eyes, "I'll make sure to keep my phone with me for now on, just in case something happens, and I'll try to find you at lunch time."

"Okay." I respond in a flustered manner, earning a sentimental kind of laugh from the tall boy standing in front of me with the kind eyes that used to seem scary. Who knew that they'd end up being the sight of safety, warming my every being in a blink of an eye and allowing myself to almost trust someone?


this was like :/ o man o me o my bUt oBOy we're finally starting to get to the plot line wooo

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