pretty boy

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chapter fifty-eight ;; pretty boy
third person

"He's not okay." Taehyung mumbles for the nth time that night while pacing around the now empty hospital room only occupied by him, his brother and Jimin. Jeongguk had been urgently rolled down the hallway to one of those damned emergency rooms, and that's where he currently was, "I knew something was off about tonight. I knew it, and I did fucking nothing!" Taehyung shouts and nibbles on his already stubby finger nails. Yoongi and Jimin kept silent and gave the tall boy space to vent out his thoughts, "I-If something happens, I don't know what I'm gonna do. I-...I won't let another loved one of mine just leave. I don't deserve that pain, not again, not ever again, please-."

Yoongi slowly stood up from his seat, taking long strides over towards his brother's side, and his maroon suit scuffed together with each step, "He won't die, Taehyung." The elder speaks calmly, lifting a hand to rub the latter's wide back, "Guk's a strong soul. I know he is. He has a lot to live for too,- a happy life with you as well as all of us -and I feel like that's all the boy needs to push on. Just the thought of spending his life with you has kept him fighting for so long. You need to realize that, Taehyung, realize that Jeongguk looks up to you so immensely. No matter how intelligent he must sound, Jeongguk's just a young boy, younger than you, and he needs a role model." And Yoongi gave his little brother the biggest gummy smile he could muster at the grim moment, and Taehyung's heart was undeniably uplifted as Jimin's swelled with immense love and admiration.

"Thank you, Yoongi," Taehyung whispers after thinking for a few long moments, processing all he's said. It was a lot to take in.

"You should be thanking Jeongguk, really. He's the only reason why I'm talking to you like this because, in all honesty, that boy really did change you, and if you would've stayed in that douche football player state any longer, I would've killed you myself." Taehyung light heartedly laughs and takes note he has in fact changed for the better- nearly evolved by now.

"But that little bunny of yours has changed a lot too, you know." Yoongi looks down for a moment to sigh, "I really gotta stop being so sappy. I'm Min Suga for heaven's sake, the hardcore underground rapper!"

"The hardcore underground rapper who has a little boyfriend at home to worry about at all times." Jimin comments, standing up himself and walking next to Yoongi, leaning into him and placing his head on the mint boy's shoulder.

But a knock on the door had to silence everyone. It ripped through happy mindsets and sliced through attempts to be bright. Everyone's heads snapped at the infamous heavy oak door, and Taehyung swears his hands have never felt so clammy. Whatever was behind the door had the answer to him being filled with unexplainable joy or the answer to him crumbling into a million pieces beyond recognition, lose all hope in everything he's ever believed in.

The door slowly sways open, and a stiff male nurse stood with a firm stance and gaze weak. He looked like a doll in some sense with a lack of expression. That was never a good sign, Taehyung had learned from staying here for weeks and breaking down how doctors give bad news. He's watched devastation after devastation, and so Taehyung prepared for the worst, already feeling his clammy hands go completely numb, and fingers turn unresponsive.

"Kim Taehyung," the professional male begins in some sort of unreadable tone, looking down at his fancy clipboard, "Jeon Jeongguk wishes to see you."

Taehyung's never felt such a weight lift off of his shoulders, having to prevent himself from shouting in glee and joy. A prominent smile never left his grateful face, and he looks over at Yoongi and Jimin with such a pleasing feeling of true satisfaction. He almost felt on cloud nine.

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