sunny days

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chapter forty-five ;; sunny days
third person

"Baby," Taehyung whispers the next morning, breath fanning over a pale neck that seemed so much warmer than yesterday, peppering light kisses along the backside, "baby, it's time to wake up." The groggy morning voice continues. It pulled a sleepy boy out of sweet dreams and happy imagines.

Yet Taehyung was met with a soft and content smile upon Jeongguk's awakening, the small body turning in strong arms to face the other, lifting up one dainty hand to caress a tan face hovering above his own. Maybe this was a way to take it all in, rest just a little longer before leaving for the day's events. Instead of being worried and scared out of their wits, the two boys stayed rather giggly- smiley.

Early morning dew casted across the damp ground Jeongguk wished to run through with bare feet, something he used to do around age ten, and Taehyung saw his wishful eyes staring out the window next to them in such awe and wonderment. Somehow, a sky teeming with clouds and light blues peeking through seemed so much prettier than before, drawing in all. Pretty things were what everyone wanted. A boy leaves a warm body after receiving a soft kiss on the forehead. Eyes closed for only a moment before the plush comforter was ripped off and Jeongguk almost ran out the door, finding such new energy Taehyung's almost brimming with happy tears.

His favorite person looked so happy.

And the young boy barreled down the large staircase. Loose and white shirts fell down shoulders and revealed sharp collarbones, as black shorts whirled around at mid-thigh. Taehyung closely followed, letting out a loud laugh at Yoongi who looked at the two like they were mad. Jimin was at his side, his eyes wide and excited unlike the mint grandpa.

He latched his stubby hand onto the sleeve of Yoongi's sweater, yanking the material towards a grand door that would lead outside, a door Jeongguk had just zipped through, "Yoongs, come on, I wanna play outside like Jeongguk and Taehyung." Jimin whines and pulls a grudging Yoongi with him.

Green grass laid out for at least fifty feet, Taehyung and Yoongi's backyard stretching out so far with trees sprinkled about and a forest held behind. Jeongguk had his feet at the very edge of cement. His toes only grazed a few blades of grass, almost hesitant to place bare feet onto damp and soft soil, or maybe he was more afraid to hurt himself, fall and bruise. Either way, those worries in his mind were restrained and placed to the very back. He wanted to be a child for only a short time. He would allow himself to indulge in the task.

Without any more words said, Jeongguk literally jumps into the grass. The feeling of pointy grass blades being crushed under a sole and escaping through toe gaps made a large smile spread. Small toes wiggled up and down in the universe of lush green, taking in a deep breath of air and feeling drops of dew falling off some pieces and landing on his pale skin. He had no idea what had gotten into him, but maybe all Jeongguk wanted- needed -was a mere yet long moment to collect himself.

Taehyung observed with crossed arms and a smug look dancing across plump lips. He wanted to take a mental picture, instead taking out his phone and snapping a photo as Jeongguk's fluttered eyes faced the sky. The brunette crouches down next to their small flower bed as the other boy begins to wander in the shade of trees, probably wanting Taehyung at his side.

Nimble and coarse fingers pick out one of the smaller flowers. It was delicate and fair. Like the person it was meant for. White petals fell out in the number of five with curved ends. Bursts of magenta started in the middle and flew through, trying desperately to reach the very edge but not quite making it. The purple veins matched those crawling through his one and only's arms. It gathered as thin lines across clean white and Taehyung lightly smiles at the small flower twirling within his fingers while walking over towards Jeongguk.

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