love bites

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chapter thirty-one ;; love bites
jeongguk's perspective

I woke up the next morning, wrapped up in the comfy bedsheets that were a tangled mess, and my neck felt sore against the mangled pillow. Taehyung was nowhere to be seen when I finally and fully awoke, lazily sitting up and stretching out only to feel a chill around my bare torso. It then hit me. Today was Monday, Monday means school, and school was starting in fifteen minutes.

A squeal sounds as a sudden rush of energy builds up and breaks through my capillaries, making me stand up and rush into the bathroom to brush my teeth before getting dressed. There was no time for luxurious and fluffy pancakes made my Taehyung's maid this morning, but I'm not very hungry anyways. There was a resonating feeling of hands clasping my waist, but there was no one there to hold me. It was my mind sending a vibrant reminder of what occurred last night. To most, it would be such a boring thing to think so much over, but it was the first time I'd ever done such a thing.

I discovered Taehyung in the bathroom, mindlessly brushing his teeth while humming. There was a devilish grin on his face upon my entering, eyes brightening while mine turned into wide doe ones. A reason for him to look at me in such a way was unknown. Until I looked at myself in the mirror. It came as a shock, catching me off guard in a mesmerizing way. Even if I had to, there wouldn't be any desire for me to cover up what it was.

Purple marks littered my skin, creating a beautiful sight of bright purple intertwined with yellow upon pale white. It looked like a masterpiece, eyes somehow widening even more as my dainty fingers lifted up to ghost across the marks that were a pretty sight yet extremely painful to push down on. What really drew me into it all was a distinct shape made out of the purple and pinks, a heart of love bites formed onto my collarbone. From remembrance, his pattern of biting had seemed weird, but now I finally understood why Taehyung did what he did.

"Sorry, I got a little carried away." The beautiful boy with messy bed hair speaks after spitting out the foamy toothpaste.

"I-It's fine." I whisper as a response, voice still croaky from recently waking, "I...I like it." My fingers finally leave my neck, instead being occupied from grabbing a toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Really?" Taehyung sends me a sideways glance once I begin to brush. A minty foam fills my mouth and I nod to his surprisal, "I thought that you'd dislike me marking you so harshly."

A nod shows from me, "It looks pretty." My voice was muffled and was hard to understand, but Taehyung understood what I was saying.

"A pretty marking for a pretty person." He jokingly coos, earning a large eye roll, "I felt like it was necessary to mark what's mine. No grabs for anyone else who wants it." It gave a me sense of belonging, a sense of desire. The fact Taehyung finds it necessary to mark me in a way to shield off made others made me warm inside. A blanket of wanting wraps around me just like the arms of the one who made my neck purple do. Soft lips meet the sore skin, planting down many sweet pecks.

"Tae, we still have to go to school."

He hums against my neck, "No we don't, who cares if we miss one day?" I sigh with his words, putting my toothbrush up and loosely resting my arms with Taehyung's and letting my head fall back into his shoulder. With eyes closed and all sounds silenced, light breathing falls through the large bathroom along with a sway of two bodies, "You do realize that you're extremely amazing?"

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