boyz with fun

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chapter sixteen ;; boyz with fun
jeongguk's perspective

The car ride with Taehyung was short and sweet, a relaxing layer of silence enclosed the two of us. I was still quiet tired, so I had immense gratitude that Taehyung found no need to talk. It would've been difficult to hold a conversation with me anyways. If it's any time before ten in the morning, I'm like a walking corpse. The current time was nine twenty, and I was dreading a tiny bit to not fall asleep in his car. The blasting heat in my face from the well-working vents reminded me of my comforter, which is why I was curled into a small ball for most of the time, that is until I saw the rest of the group sitting around a bench near our parking spot and got a bit excited, just like a puppy going out for the first time.

Taehyung laughs fondly once he sees my face brighten, looking over at me with a pleased expression while pulling the keys out. They loudly jangled against the three keychains that he had on them, although I never got a good enough view to see what it was. They were all white and identical, that's all I knew. My eyes glance over at the keychains for a moment, trying to get a better view but failing. There was a distinct shape to them, though: wings- angel wings. My still tinted and glossy lips from the cherry chapstick slightly turn into a frown, the curiosity I once had growing even more, but I know now's not the time to ask.

"Hey, Jeongguk," Taehyung says to grab my attention away from the keys that he was putting into his pocket along with his phone, "are your lips," he squints his eyes a bit, bringing his face closer to mine and making me lean back a bit out of perturbation, "pink?" Taehyung opens his eyes fully again to look up at me, awaiting an answer.

"Um," I bring my sleeve up to my mouth, getting ready to wipe off the chapstick residue before correctly answering, "it's chapstick. I- I didn't realize that it tinted my lips." I lie and bring my sleeve up to my lips before Taehyung places his hand onto my arm, stopping my actions.

"It looks fine." he smiles and backs away, allowing me to sit up again and put my arm down, "Don't worry about it. I was just wondering, that's all."

I nod and rub my lips together, slightly moving them to feel the smoothness. Taehyung turns and opens up the car door, and that's when I grab for my phone with the mesmerizing glitter-in-water case and open my own door, sliding out of the comfy seat and feeling the pavement under my feet. Taehyung closes the door for me, and I squeak at the loud slam, not realizing that he was right there to close it for me. He lets out a lovely cackle at my reaction, and with my eyes still wide in shock, a lanky arm wraps around my shoulders, pulling me towards him while we walk over to the awaiting group.

They were all energetic. Well, Hoseok and Namjoon were specifically rambunctious. Namjoon was currently running after Hoseok, who was screaming like a banshee. It was far too hard to keep up with, Hoseok was fast and Namjoon was fast too. The whole thing reminded me of a crazy car chase, like the ones in action movies, minus the destruction of street signs that are replaced by me almost getting toppled over by Hoseok who shouted a quick sorry before running again. Namjoon continues to shout loud profanities in front of children and ignores the scoldings earned by many mothers who storm away in disgrace.

"What the hell happened between them?" Taehyung asks Seokjin for me, who sends an annoyed stare before returning the same one towards the boys, continuing to run at full speed. I didn't even realize that people could run so fast for such a long time.

"We were joking around, one thing led to another, and Hoseok kissed my cheek to be funny...Namjoon didn't find it to be so funny." The mood instantly turns lighter once Seokjin explains our situation, dare I say making it much more enjoyable to watch now.

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