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chapter fifty-four ;; tapping
third person

Taehyung's foot was furiously tapping, almost unnatural and terrifying. Whoever occupied the waiting room at that moment seemed to stare at the young boy, body hunched over and stare completely blank, although so many things were flashing through his eyes. The index finger and thumb on his right hand was currently twisting the ring on his left while deeply thinking.

The others still hadn't come yet. School just got out, and traffic was hectic because of it. Busses were more than likely blocking the parking lot's exit per usual, and parent's were in the long car rider line. Even thinking about how many people were probably piled in front of the group of five boys, which were spread out into four cars, infuriated him.

Shaky hands reached up, now being used as support for a sick looking face. Usually beautiful and tan skin had begun to pale slightly, looking washed out. Taehyung was washed out, his whole system and brain practically done with everything; and he was so beyond happy to hear a set of footsteps quickly walking down a hallway with another closely following after.

Yoongi was the first to stand in front of Taehyung, breath still being steadied, as he'd been running from his car. Jimin was the second one there. He latched onto Yoongi's side in anxiety and a need to be comforted.

For his brother's sake, Yoongi stepped closer and somewhat hesitantly placed his small hand onto Taehyung's back while he sat down in the chair next to him. It was stiff plastic, uncomfortable, but worth it, because the elder would do almost anything for his little brother. Taehyung did flinch at the sudden contact yet calmed down and accepted the hand running up and down his back.

"Do you know anything yet?" Yoongi whispers, trying to not push anything that might cause Taehyung to snap..

"N-No." Taehyung stutters, eyes closed and voice shaky, "They haven't come out of that fucking room since I sat here."

"Maybe he's just resting up," Jimin softly says, pink lips forming a small and sweet smile.

"Or he could be fucking dying." The second oldest grumbles with fear and anger, an almost perfect combination for disaster. Taehyung knows he should be at least a little bit optimistic. He should hope for the best and not spend his time worrying and shaking, yet flashes of police lights and distant sounds of wailing sirens keep his hands trembling and leg bouncing to a quickened pace.

"Taehyung, you know not to think like that-." A lady in a white coat cut off Yoongi. She looked young, more than likely in her mid-twenties, hair blonde and short. Cherry red stilettos upped her height by four inches, and a clip board was pressed against her chest.

"Jeon Jeongguk is finally well enough for visitors, but he still isn't quite awake yet, so he'll more than likely wake up more the longer you stay." She smiles, "All of you may enter together, if you wish."

As the nice girl had finished her quick and kind words, Seokjin, Namjoon, and Hoseok all quickly rushed down the hallway. Their footsteps sounded loudly against the tiled flooring, and Seokjin humiliatingly stumbled slightly on the way, "Is he okay?" The blonde was first to speak, eyes wide.

"He's just gotten well enough for us to see him." Yoongi speaks. He knows Taehyung wasn't really in the best position to explain anything. Too many emotions that had been pent up were finally being pushed open, like a broken dam.

"C-Can we all see him at once?"

"Hmm," she thinks for a moment, seeming to decide something, "the max is five in a room, but there's six of you, so...I'll allow it. He's in room five-thirteen, but I'll just direct you to there."

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