new things

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chapter twenty-nine ;; new things
third person

Jimin had been a lost soul lately. The one person he remembered to bring a meaning to his life was now gone, the foolishness of his actions being the only to blame. He never asked for this; he never desired to be the monster everyone was currently claiming him to be. There was a reason why Jimin hid his problem for all of these years, but now he was regretting the downright stupid decision, because it was at the cost of a friendship that he hoped would someday form into something.

That's another thing: Jimin had no idea when to take hints. The obvious red flags of Jeongguk ambitiously falling for Taehyung and trying to show him there was nothing to hope for went completely across his head, until the infamous occurrence formed. There was no way Jimin could ever stop loathing himself for what he had done, hurting someone who did nothing to deserve the pain. It was all his fault and he knew it, showing the emotions through a blank set of eyes continuing to stare down at the grass, burrowing holes into the dirt as tears fell like salty dew droplets into his own lap.

A body, a person, someone curious, sat next to the boy who silently cried, saddened at seeing him in such a state. The latter had no idea what drew him to the orange haired person, but it might've been the way he slouched against the brick wall like he'd given up on everything, especially himself. Yoongi was familiar with the feeling of betraying another. He felt it every time his brown eyes skimmed to the best friend that claimed the name Hoseok. The pair of boys were close, but one was a bit too into it all, helplessly falling for the mint haired boy who couldn't return the feelings. It was more than likely his own fault for playing such a character.

"What's wrong?" The mint hair boy's voice was quite and gentle, a tone that was hard for him to find but so easy in this moment. No essence of a sarcastic idiot showed as he did all he could to keep eye contact with the latter who wouldn't allow such a thing.

"It's nothing, Yoongi. I'm fine." Jimin responds in a monotone manner, posture slouched and face slackened. A glossy shine emitted from his eyes, making the other's heart ache.

'So, this is how Hoseok will feel once I tell him what's bound to be said?' Yoongi thinks with a desperate tone inside his mind that always seemed to clutter within times of thoughts piling and compressing into a junkyard too difficult to organize, "But you're not fine. I know you're not fine." He pressed down on the accelerator, pushing the younger to speak more, even if his voice was sorrowful with lackluster.

"I don't want to talk about it." Jimin whispers with a cracked voice. He looks down at his small hands that held one ring on his left pointer finger, a reminder to take his medicine. Blue gem for the blue pill.

"I'm here to talk." The mint haired boy was becoming frantic at the cracks obviously forming into the framework of the one beside him, trying his best to add support and keep Jimin standing for another day.

"Your friends wouldn't be fond of you talking to me..." More salty dew drops instantly fall from his tear ducts, landing in his lap with one straight line just like all the others.

It was a sight that would make anyone pity the younger. Yoongi in no way pitied him; he wanted to only help, because that's who he is. That's who he can be. Hidden behind the sculpture of an attractive stature made up in snarky comments was someone who enjoyed to sit and talk with those who needed it. Not many people understood that, but he wanted Jimin to.

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