football game

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chapter twenty-five ;; football game
jeongguk's perspective

"Are you coming to my football game?" Taehyung asks before English class. He was squatting down next to my desk as usual, but there was no bubbly girl stopping our conversation, not today, at least. It made me feel more calmed and at peace if I were being honest to myself, which is something that I don't admit to often.

"Why wouldn't I go? I always do, don't I?" My head tilts to the side, staring down at Taehyung who's green highlights weren't as bright as they used to be. It was like an indicator of our time spent together. We met when it was bright and vibrant. I liked the dull version more. It was less distracting and allowed me to focus on Taehyung's face more.

We hadn't shared anymore kisses since the day I had my fever. A three day time period. Although, late at night or early in the morning, we have long and deep talks about the world and what must be beyond our own little universe we call home, and sometimes those conversations would leave in lips brushing and hands slowly sliding down arms.

Taehyung and I were very intimate but in a different kind of way. We didn't have to lock lips all throughout the night and secrete ungodly sounds from our mouths while rolling around and biting shoulders. All we had to do was talk and brush fingers over skin, primarily arms and backs, tracing intended lines on faces. We surely were more than friends, unless friends do what we do, but we definitely weren't a thing...I don't think. We weren't an official couple, but I somehow felt comfort within the concept of that.

"I just feel like you'll ditch one day and go home. You've already said you hate sports." Taehyung lightly explains, resting his head on the palms of his hands that were propped up onto my desk by elbows.

"I don't hate sports. They just aren't my forte. Like- for example -my forte is contemplating things that'd make some people shiver with fear and contemplate all that they've believed in their life. Your forte is...throwing a ball around while running."

Taehyung rolls his eyes and lets out a loud sigh of annoyance, "You sound like Yoongi right now."

"Your brother's correct. That's why," I respond, not realizing what I had said until Taehyung dumbly blinked multiple times, eyes wide in shock and mouth hanging open. I was about to correct myself and say sorry, but he quickly smiled, so brightly that my breath hitches for a moment, seeming to enjoy that I call Yoongi his brother. I happily made a mental note to do it more often, "but yes, I'll definitely be coming to the football game today. As long as I have a place where I can sit on the bleachers. I got really tired after standing for all that time at the last game."

Taehyung nods, "Definitely, I'll force Namjoon to stand up so you can sit down. Unless Seokjin forces you to sit on his lap like a child."

A soft giggle passes my cherry lips covered in the chapstick that made them slightly pink at Taehyung's comment, "Hey, I liked sitting on Seokjin's lap. His shoulders are very nice for head resting."

"Are you saying that mine aren't good enough?" Taehyung defensively asks in a joking tone, slightly taking me off guard at the comment. He didn't take notice even though I hesitated on answering, thankful for that. It was a very couple-esc type of joke to make. Maybe I was just overreacting like always? Doesn't matter. I had to just brush off the feeling in my stomach and play along.

"No, not at all." I smile, resting my own head lazily into the small palm of my hands that felt extra cold today. It's crazy to think that only three days ago I was on fire and felt like I was dying. The human body is such a miraculous thing.

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