The second note

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I met with Max, Carter, Holly, Sara, and Quinn in the supply closet for a meeting on the mysterious friend. "Possible suspects?" Carter asked us all. I shrugged and wrote down a person's name.

"Maybe Violet?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Not Violet!" Max crossed his arms.

"I thought you two broke up?" Carter raised his hands in the air. I stifled a laugh, "Carter, don't you get it? He wants to get 'his reward' and then he won't call either!"

Max rolled his eyes. "How about Kara?" Holly wrote her name down. I shook my head no. "Kara is my new friend and she wouldn't do that." After long banters, we decided that it actually could be anyone at this school.

We all left the supply closet and on the library door was another note.
Quinn pointed it out and read it aloud,

"If you play soccer you better beware, it's your turn to hurl! - A Friend."

Sara and I had started playing soccer for three weeks here and now we were going to get sick too.

"It doesn't even rhyme!" Sara peeled the note off the door and tucked it into her bag. 27 minutes later, another note appeared on my locker. Carter was with me so he saw it too. I looked at him and read it,

"Stop looking for clues or you'll be singing the blues! - A Friend."

I gave the note to Carter and laughed. I then, shut my locker closed and left to soccer practice. It was dark out because we have practice at the school field at 10pm. I snuck into the gym where the water cups laid and saw a dark shadow figure with a bottle of ipecac. I screamed and the shadow left. So, I head back to practice. 12 minutes later, at the end of practice all the girls slumped to the field and curled in balls, vomiting.

"Girls? Go home! Get rest!" Coach Leo sent us back home. I limped to my car with Sara. She rubbed her stomach and drank her medicine. "Here, take some." She handed me the medicine. I chugged it down and began to put the keys in the car. I looked outside for Sara and I saw her go to open the door. Then a shadowy figure peered behind her and hit her over the head with something, sending her straight into the passenger window.

"Sara!" I yelled. I burst the door open and pulled Sara into the car. I rested a hand on the back of her head and noticed blood all over where my hand was. And I knew it was Sara's.

I drove to Max's and dragged Sara with me to show Max. He opened the door in his boxers.

"Uh... Hello to you too?" I asked. He stared back to the stairs where Violet stood at the top in a t-shirt.

"Really?" I showed him Sara.

"What happened? Come in." He pulled the door open more. I rushed her to the couch and wrapped a cloth over her bleeding head. Max wet the cloth and re-applied it. Violet got a glass of water and a straw for Sara.

"Here, drink." She helped her sit up. I dabbed the cloth on Sara's head while Max rifled through cabinets in search of medicine. He got a bottle of cherry liquid and put in a singe. Then, He shot it down Sara's throat. She looked dizzy and out of it, though, like it was her final journey.

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