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Welcome to section two of this Novel!

So I know it has been really bad so far in my story like omg this doesn't make any sense but I've learned about better writing processes and stuff like that so I'd be happy if you comment on what I could do better and vote for my story, thanks again! But lastly this chapter might not make a lot of sense but to make sense we will bring it to school instead of at the party, a few days later!

I walked to my locker where Sara stood next to it with a scared look on her face.

"Uh, um... Val, what are you doing we have Cheer practice same times as the football team, like usual but we have it like four times a day! Come on!"

"Oh yea, sorry Sara I'm coming, just let me put my books away and then throw my hair up in a ponytail."

Max walked past Sara and I and then stopped to kiss my cheek.

"Come on girls." Max's winked at me and then grabbed my arm leaded me out to the fields.

"Morning girls!" Coach yelled.

"Um, Coach can we do some drills with the football players like a game?" Holly asked.

"Let me ask the football coach, Coach Sanders."

She walked over to him and they chatted a little and pointed here and there then Coach walked back to us with a smile spread across her face.

"Let's play some football!" She shouted as she lifted her arms up in victory.

"Okay Cheerleaders meet your rival team."

"Your gunna get tackled by me, and maybe made out with." Carter smiled at me which made me kinda wonder why he was hitting it off with holly.


Holly hiked the ball to Sara which she passed it to me and I ran up the side and then Carter tackled me into the end zone where he laid over top of me, pinning me to the ground while I tried to wiggle out here and there but then Max came over and shoved Carter off me.

"What the Heck, Max?"

"She said get off, Carter!"

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Well don't rub your body against her while we're playing football."

"What if I want to. Who's gunna stop me?  Will it be you? I didn't think so," Carter backs up and then heads to the line up.

"Whatever. Here grab my hand." max smiled down at me.


We walked back to line up and  then Max called hike and ran up with the Football when Holly tackled him.

After the Game the cheerleaders went to Lunch.

"Girls. I'm gunna hook up with Max tonight, even though some people think he's Still with that Bitch Valerie." Some random cheerleader giggled with the girls and then linked her arm with Max's.

"Um, who are you. I'm Max."

"I'm Kara."

"Well I've never really seen you before."

"I'm on the middle of the pyramid."

He nodded and then glared back at me with my arms crossed and glaring back at him.

"Um I'll be back maybe."

"What?" Kara turned around and saw Max come over and talk to me.

"Val... I'm still in love with and I can't fight the feeling."

"Well I guess your with Kara now so whatever."

"No I'm not." he whispered and then shoved me back with him to the lockers and then made out with me.

Kara got so anger at that and marched over to us, "stop! max get off her your suppose to be making out with me!"

"What?" We pulled apart and said at the same exact time.

"Yea. I want you Max."

"Well I really want Valerie and we've been doing the off and on thing but you have got to know there will always be that one part in my body that is super attached to Her."

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