In the Hospital again

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I found myself sleeping in the hospital in bed. Max, Carter, Sara, and Violet were all staring at me. I smiled and I saw them smile back, except for Violet.

"Violet, I don't get it." I admitted. She looked puzzled but wasn't always focused.

"Get what?" She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Why your so mean to me? You were so sweet when we met and then you kissed Max and hated me?" I asked her, as she looked to Max and then back to me.

"I was only nice to you to get to Max. He thought I was your friend so that if we dated you would support. But we're not friends and your not gunna hear the last of me." Violet stormed out. Max followed her and calmed her down.

Was it the last I would hear of Violet Anne Ringings?

"Hope you feel better, Val." Max said on his way to Violet. The last person I would expect to see here came, Kara. She held flowers and chocolates in her arms. She smiled at me when she came in.

"These are for you." She handed the flowers and chocolates to me. I sat up and set the flowers on the nightstand. "Thank you." I ate a piece of chocolate. They end up all leaving except for Carter. He knelt beside my bed and ate chocolate with me.

"These are really good." He liked his fingers clean of chocolate. "I know right." I agreed and then we stared into eat other eyes. He moved closer and then gave me a kiss.

"Excuse me, sir, but visiting hours are over." The nurse sent Carter out.

"Bye, Val." He waved as he left the hospital room.

Next morning was a winter cold day. I wore my long sleeved uniform and it came with a skirt. I got in Sara's car and we drove to school.

"So... How is Carter?" She asks out of the blue. I rolled my eyes and shake my head, trying not to laugh at her expression.

"He's great, I know you liked his lips." I grab my bag and walk into school.

"Sara, Valerie, come." Kara she eagerly brought us to the lunch table.

"What the—?" I asked in shock as a cake and banners were spread across the cafeteria.

"Do you like it? It's from all the cheerleaders and football players." Kara smiled. I guess Kara had a sweet side when we stopped liking Max.

"I love it!" I gave her and the other cheerleaders a hug. I walked up to the football players and gave them each a hug.

"Val, I hope you feel better." One of them gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks!" I said to them all over all.

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