The mishap...

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I looked at Sara and then her eyes closed for the final time. That was it, she was just gone! I sunk my face into her knees and I cried.

"It's okay." Max kissed my forehead. I wiped my tears and then he gave me a brave hug. "She didn't deserve that." I rested my hand on my hips and brushed my hair back with my other hand. "I know." He shed a tiny tear.

"I have one question though." I swallowed.

"Why is Violet here? You're with Kara!" I exclaimed my anger on them. Kara was my new friend and she didn't deserve cheaters like the guys I've dated.

"I don't know." He sat down on the love seat. And I sat on the armrest with an arm around Max. He rested his face in his hands and sulked.

"Yes. You do know, actually." I lifted his face from his hands and kissed his lips. "See, you may have felt something but you also feel more with Kara than you feel with Violet. So, go get Kara." I smiled. He scoffed in realization, like 'how stupid could he be'. Violet pulled Max to her and kissed him too. We fought that way. Then, I turned him to me and kissed him, she did the same and then before I could pull Max to me, he was already making out with me. I realized that he actually liked me.

"You like me!" Pointed out and kissed him back. He didn't resist. He just smiled. I then realized it was also wrong. I pushed him off and told him that I couldn't be with him.

"Just go to Kara. I go to Carter." I kissed him for a final goodbye kiss. He looked at me and Violet just rolled her eyes, gathered her stuff and left. I walked out with her and hopped into my car.

I sighed when I got in and then I heard a creaking from the backseat. I looked to my rear view mirrors and then a person in a black  hoodie locked their fingers around my throat and started to choke me. I looked to the mirror above the dashboard and saw the figure with a mask that looked like a silicone version of Heidi's face.

"Ugh!" I tried to screamed. Max came rushing out when he heard me. He pulled me out and we ran to the street. My car backed out with the 'friend' driving straight for us. "Valerie!" Max pulled me backwards. We dove back first onto their neighbors lawn across the road. He smiled at me though. But, the worst thing was that I didn't love him back enough. He was gone from me. Along with all my other friends. Sara's daughter Tammy went to Max btw.

Well anyway, I walked back to my house where Josh stood outside with flowers.

"Hey, Valerie." He pushed his glasses up. I smiled awkwardly and accepted the flowers. "Come in." I opened the door in front of me and closed in when he walked in with me. My brother was on the couch watching tv with Joe while I toke Josh upstairs to my room.

"So when do I kiss you? Now?" He leaned forward to kiss me. I pushed him off and sat back on my bed.

"Sorry." I rested my head in my hands and sighed. Josh rubbed my back to help me.

"What do you mean? Just kiss me now or maybe we could just get to... well... you know." He tried to kiss me again. I stood up this time and looked at him funny.

"I'm dating Carter. And I have a terrible secret." I cried. He toke sniffled in and pushed his glass up again.

"What is? You can tell me anything." Josh stood next to me.

"I made out with Max." I shrieked. And then, I could only cry after that. It was all tears!

"Oh, then I'm leaving, you need to go to Carter's house and tell him. I'll drive you, and if he doesn't except that then it's his loss. Let's get going!" He left the house with me. We drove over to Carter's and I told him.

"What?!" Carter sighed and banged his head on the door.

"Stop." I pried his head off the door,"I still love you." I made out with him against the door. He shut the door behind him and I heard a car pull away. It was Josh's. I ignored it and then found myself, 15 minutes later, in Carter's bed laying with him in nothing but a bed sheet that we shared. "Max lost, and I won!" He gave me a high five. I laughed and cuddled up close with him. "I love you." He whispered as he kissed my forehead.

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