TBS and Newt Imagines/Stories - 08

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Nerdy You, Cool Him and Everything Else (TBS)

You are carrying your books and some other stuff. Glasses with large lens, hair in pig tails, jeans and ofcourse smartness and a shirt saying, "Warning: BOOKWORM HERE." Yep, a typical day for a typical nerd like you. You enter the classroom which is more like a warzone because of the noise, and you sit on the very back seats. You started studying when a crumpled piece of paper landed on your book. You uncrumpled it and read:

"Hey, Y/N. How you doing? Can you tutor me later about Physics at lunch time? I love you! – your handsome boyfriend, Thomas ;) *wink*

You can't help but smile at his corniness, oh are you wondering? Yes, you are a nerd but you have a boyfriend. And not just an ordinary one, Thomas Sangster, a cool and popular and handsome and cocky guy and ofcourse your boyfriend. Girls are jealous of you well think of it, a nerd and a hot guy dating? wow. You wrote back to the letter:

"Sure, I'll tutor you later. I love you too, Thomas and I'm fine but missing you even though your four seats away. – your girlfriend, Y/N =)

You threw it back to where he sat and he read it and smirked at you. He winks at you and sends a flying kiss while you stick your tongue out at him. Then class started leaving you lovebirds daydreaming about each other. Then the bell rang, signaling lunch time! You hurriedly fixed your things and got your bag. You exit the room then a hand pulls your arm, "Hey, love. Come on, we'll be sitting together." Thomas said as he intertwined your fingers making you smile goofily. You sat with him while he carries your foods. At the table, you, Thomas, Ki Hong and Anna sat together. Ki Hong is a good friend of Thomas while Anna is your closest girl friend in the school and she's not jealous of you for having Thomas because he already has a cute Ki Hong Lee. "Okay, let's all eat!" Ki cheered making all of you laugh loudly. You tutored Thomas while eating.

"Hey, Thomas!" you all turned your heads to see a cheerleader with a very very very very short short short short skirt and a revealing blouse. It was Dana, the head cheerleader and number one fan girl of Thomas, "Hey, Dana." She smiled flirtatiously while Thomas looked at her boringly, "Well you know there'll be a party this Friday at my house and I'm wondering if you could come? Pleaaaase? It'll be such a great thing if you'll come, here's an invite for you and your friends. Byee!" you swear she smiled at you menancingly. "Well, you going? I'm not." you told Thomas while you finishing eating your mac and cheese, "I don't know yet, my mates besides Ki will be there." Ki and Anna felt the tension, "We'll see you later, Tom and Y/N. Byeee!" Anna waved at you while Ki Hong grinned and pulled Anna's hand running to their rooms. You smile,"Ohh okay, enjoy the party and anyway you already know the lesson about velocity. So bye, see you." You stood up when Thomas pulled you down, "Y/N! Please don't be jealous of her, I love you alright? Fine, I'll go to the party but with you! And I don't care if you don't wanna come, I'm going with YOU." You were about to protest when Thomas pulled you to him and kissed you passionately and hard, you felt your cheeks reddening while kissing back to Thomas. You pull away, "Thomas! Fine! I'll go with you, jeez, kissing me in public?" he smirked and you noticed some students looking at the two of you, "I love you, Y/N." "I love you too, Thomas." The two of you stood up and started walking to your room while holding hands and some students cheering quietly in the background.

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