Childhood Friends Part 4 (TBS)

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You and Thomas first tried the racing game, where you won. Next is the firing the aliens game, where Thomas definitely crushed you. "Love, I'll try the basketball game." You nod as he went to basketball game. You went to the claw machine, Alright, I'll try and get a stuff toy here for Tommy! You stared at the prizes until you found a blue lion. You breathe in and stretched a little before putting in a token. Two hours passed by while you try for the 6th time Ugh. This is harder than I thought. As the claw grabs the plushie, Come on, Y/N! You can do this!! Your hands moving the joystick carefully and quickly. It reaches the prize drop point and you press the button, "Yessss! Finalllyyy!" you cheered not caring if people stared at you weirdly. You get the lion and hugged it, "Hey, babe!" Thomas runs to you while grinning and his hand behind his back. You immediately hid the lion behind your back and blushed while looking at him, "I got something for you!" you both said in an extremely happy voice. Both of you blushed and started counting, "1... 2... 3... 4........... 5!" you show the blue lion and Thomas holds out a cute pink panda plushie. You blushed while he smiled, "Is that for me?" the two of you asked in sync. You hand him the lion while he gives the panda. You study it Awwwwwh its so cute! You hug it while Thomas grins at his blue lion, "Thank you, Thomas." He chuckles, "Anything for you, love and thank you for this cool lion." He hold it out and started roaring making you laugh.

After having fun in the arcade, the two of you went to a fancy restaurant and had good lunch and time. Some girls went to Thomas and asked for his autograph while you just smiled Well as they say, share your blessings. They thanked him and left, "Uhmm. Mr. Sangster, can I have your autograph?" you both hear a little voice asked. Thomas looked at the source and saw a little girl smiling shyly while her mother is holding her little hand, "Sure. Come here, sweetie." Thomas knelt to the size of the cute little girl who smiled widely as her mom took a picture. You giggled as they did some wacky poses, "Thank you, sir." The mother said while Thomas grinned, "Wait, mommy! One last picture! And I want his wife to join us!" the girl pointed at you making you red while Thomas smirks at you. You went to the little girl's other side and smiled as her mom took a couple of pictures. "Thank you, Mr. Sangster. Thank you too, Y/N." she hugged both of you, "You're pretty, Y/N! Bye bye!" her mom smiled at the two of you while the little girl waved happily. You sat down in the booth while Thomas smiles at you, "What?" he chuckles, "Nothing. Let's go to the ice cream shop, my wife." You blush while Thomas laughs as the two of you went to his motor bike and rode to the shop.

You were licking your strawberry ice cream and sitting on the bench beside Thomas who was enjoying his vanilla ice cream. The two of you went to the park and was watching kids running around and others just relaxing. After eating you look at your pink panda Its so cute like him you giggled and patted the panda's head. Thomas notices this and chuckles, "I know! Let's have some selfies!" you declared while he sighs, you held out your phone, "Come on, Tommy!" you pull him to your side and snapped a couple of pictures. There was a photo where both of you are grinning, other is he covered his face with the lion, another is he kisses your cheeks and last was you kissing his cheeks while his face shows a cocky look. You and Thomas laughed at your silly pictures when suddenly the rain poured, "What the hell?! Ughh." You and Thomas complained while running to his motor bike, you hold on tight to his waist. The rain pouring down as the two of you sped along the road.

He parks the motor bike and you run to his door. He joins you after a couple of minutes and opens the door, "Stay here for the meantime, love." The two of your were soaking wet, "You go take a bath first." You nodded, "But I don't have extra underwear and clothes." He chuckles, "Wear a pair of my boxers plus a random shirt of mine." You blush and nodded. Thomas takes of his leather jacket and shirt while you drooled at his toned body. He notices this and smirks, "Enjoying the view?" you blush and stuck your tongue out at him. He hands you a towel, his boxers and a green shirt, you were about to enter the bathroom, "Y/N!" you look back and saw Thomas, who was also carrying a towl of his own, only in his gray boxers, "W-W-W-What?" you stuttered out trying not to stare, "Why don't we take a bath together! Like the good old days?" he grins making you blush redder, "What?! Nooo! We were like five years old back then!" he smirks and pushes you inside the bathroom, "So? Were currently dating anyway?" you might faint, "Argh!" you shook your head while Thomas continues persuading you. In the end both you had a bath together and ofcourse you saw his "thing".

After bathing together, you were now wearing his green shirt and his boxer while Thomas is wearing a white sleeveless shirt and shorts. The two of you were cuddling on the couch while watching a random sitcom, you look at him, "I love you, Thomas." He looks back, "I love you too, Y/N." he kisses your lips sweetly and you kissed back. Not for long, the sweet kiss turned into a heated make out session, he was on top and you were squirming on the bottom. The wet blue lion and pink panda witnessing their owners having fun on the couch.

A/N: Hey guys did you like all the 4 parts? :). Please vote if you did love it, thanks. And another thing, THANK YOU FOR THE 500 READS GUYS! OMG, I WASN'T EXPECTING THAT BUT THANK YOU, MY LOVELY READERS :)))

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