TBS and Newt Imagines/Stories - 35

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Heartbreak Girl (TBS)

A/N: Please don't forget to vote, if you liked the imagine :). Listen to the song while reading the imagine, 5 Seconds Of Summer rocks! :D


~You call me up, it's like a broken record~

I answer at the second ring and listen to her babbling about her and now her ex boyfriend. It always like this, she sobs and stammers about what happened and keeps repeating the same line over and over again like a bloody broken record.

~Saying that your heart hurts, that you never get over him getting over you and you end up crying~

"I just don't get it, Thomas. I mean I love him so much then he treats me like I'm a trash. I'm broken because he left me for another girl and it was a slutty one, Tommy! I saw them moutheating and everythin—ew!" I comforted her while she continues sobbing.

~And I end up lying cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do~

"Don't cry over him, Y/N. You don't deserve him and neither does he! I'm sure you'll find another guy who'll treat you better than him." I feel her smiling during our conversation Tsk. Tsk. Sangster, why can't you just tell her that you bloody like her! I sigh I can't do that! I just want her to be happy, that's all.

~And when the phone call finally ends, you say, "Thanks for being a friend," and we're going in circles again and again~

We were laughing and telling jokes for the past two hours Sangster! Tell her already! "Goodnight, Tommy. Thank you for being my bestfriend." She says and hangs up. I lie on my bed and stared at the ceiling Nice. We're bloody back to square one.

~I dedicate this song to you,
The one who never sees the truth,
That I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl.~

I woke up and listened to Heartbreak Girl by 5 Seconds of Summer. I wish Y/N would see that this jerk she can't get over with isn't worth it! I wish she would notice me, her BESTFRIEND, who is bloody right infront of her can treat her so much better than that stupid guy! I'm inlove with you, Y/N Y/L/N, why can't you see that? Oh right, you're focusing on that stupid jerk that's why you always get heartbroken. Its hard always being the bestfriend, option or anything else. Seeing the love of your life, loving another someone who doesn't care a thing for them.

~Hold you tight straight through the day light,
I'm right here. When you gonna realize
That I'm your cure, heartbreak girl?~

I'll hold in my arms for as long as you want, even forever, until your heart heals. I'll take care of you, adore you, love you, cherish you forever. I'll wait here forever until you realize that I love you with all of my heart.

~I bite my tongue but I wanna scream out
You could be with me now
But I end up telling you what you wanna hear~

I can't confess my feeling for her, I keep bottling it all up. I don't know why, I fear rejection and the break of our beautiful friendship. Why can't she just realize that he has someone infront of her who can love her so much better! It makes me happy whenever she smiles and laughs, though I can't say her my true feelings.

~But you're not ready and it's so frustrating
He treats you so bad and I'm so good to you it's not fair~

I can treat you like a princess, my queen and everything but that boyfriend of yours does it in the opposite way but you still keep holding on to him and makes so frustrated. The world really isn't fair sometimes.

~And when the phone call finally ends
You say, "I'll call you tomorrow at 10"
And I'm stuck in the friend zone again and again~

You call me up again because you know I'll comfort you, I'll never leave your side because you mean the world for me. Its like an endless loop, ending with me comforting you and being the bestfriend. I'm trapped in the friendzone, trying to find the exit, but I know its hard and almost impossible.

~I know someday it's gonna happen
And you'll finally forget the day you met him~

I know one day that you'll escape his grasp and fall to my own grasp. Where I'll hold you tight forever and ever then you'll realize I'm the one who really deserves you. I will remind you everyday that I love you, and you'll finally forget him. I just wish that this day will happen.

~Sometimes you're so close to your confession,
I gotta get it through your head , t
hat you belong with me instead~

I have a feeling that you also like me, Y/N. I remembered that scowl of yours when I actually told you one of the stories about my crush. I can feel that sometimes, you're about to confess to me but I keep pushing you away saying you deserve someone better which is me also. I just hope that you'll realize, that I can treat you better than your boyfriend. I love you, Y/N.

Epilogue: You slap your boyfriend's face, "Fuck you!" and ran out of your shared house. You continued running until you reached Thomas's home. You entered his house, "Tommy, where are you?!" you looked around the house, his room, the bathroom, kitchen, attic almost every room. You sighed until you saw a note beside the picture frame of you two:

Dear Y/N,

If you're reading this, please know this one thing, I love you. I bloody love you, Y/N Y/L/N. Ever since we became bestfriends, I have fallen for you. But then you had a boyfriend so I kept all of my feelings hidden, I feared rejection and the destruction of our friendship, that's why I've never had the chance of confessing to you. You like me too right? Don't deny that bloody scowl on your face when I told about my crush, Thea. I am literally laughing inside when I saw your face but I just shrugged it off. I know, I'm such a wimp scared of rejection, still I love you, Y/N. Remember that. Please do tell me, you also love me? Or I'm just pushing my luck?

Love, Thomas :)

The note read. You felt tears falling down, "Y-Y-Y-Yes. T-T-T-T-Thomas B-B-B-Brodie S-S-S-Sangster, I love you too!" you shouted and continued sobbing. You felt so much pain, I let the guy who truly loved me, slipped away and chose a stupid jerk over him! I'm a heart broken girl. You continued crying and hugging the picture of you and Thomas while slowly falling to the floor.

I don't regret anything I've done...

I regret the things I haven't done...

Just like that one little thing...

I regret that I didn't confess that I loved you so much...

~a dirty blonde haired guy on an airplane and a crying girl had the same thought~

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