TBS and Newt Imagines/Stories - 47

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Prompt: I never stopped thinking about you. He mumbles hotly while cornering you near the buttons.

So?! I don't care! I'm over you! You retorted but blushed as Thomas's stare makes you feel giddy.

Really? Have you moved on, Y/N? His hands hold your waist, making you feel sparks everywhere.

Y-Y-Yes. You mumbled but Thomas started closing the gap and your lips were one step faster than his.

A bubbly girl meets his charming ex after two years of breaking up

He keeps on teasing her

She keeps on blushing

She was angry at him yet found herself attracted once again

He wanted her back, he missed everything about her.

"Don't forget your documents, dear! Always smile and be polite! Eat your breakfast! Believe in yourself! And lastly, don't lose hope even if you don't get accepted! Me and your da—" You giggled as you tuck in your blouse, "You and dad will forever and always be proud of me, I know mom. That's why I'm very lucky to have you guys as my parents."

You went in front of the mirror, straightening the creases from your white blouse and dark blue pencil skirt. Auburn hair in a bun, some strands sticking out and a light make up on your face. "Oh, Y/N, I'm tearing up again. Its your 1st job interview! Me and your dad are so proud of hon." You smiled as you continue hearing your mom's emotional voice causing you to tear up a bit, "Mom! Stop. You're making me cry and ruining my make up!" You replied giggling as tears flow down.

"Don't cry, sunshine. You know your mom can be an emotional wreck, especially if its about you. Aw! I was only telling the truth!" Your dad's voice came through the phone as he playfully bickered with your mom. You laughed and smiled at yourself in the mirror, You can do this, Y/N. Picking up your things and bag, "Mom, Dad, as much as I want to hear you bicker, I have to go. I miss you guys, I promise I'll visit you soon enough." You said with a smile as you put on your black heels.

"That is a wonderful idea, dear! We miss you too! Good luck on your interview! We love you!!" Your smile widens as you exit your apartment, "I love you too, Mom and Dad!" And the call ends. Locking your door, you felt excitement coursing throughout your body.


A tall glass building greets you, after getting out of the cab. Walking up the stone stairs, your eyes were fixated on how glorious and elegant the building looked. Wow. I really hope that I'll end up working in here. The doors, sliding doors rather, opened automatically as you step inside the building. Automatic sliding doors, wow.

You went to the front desk, were a curly haired woman greets you, "Hello, Ma'am! Welcome to Brodie Corp. How can I help you?" You smiled back, "Good morning! I'm Y/N Y/L/N, an applicant for the position of executive assistant." The woman nods, "I see. Please proceed to the 35th floor, Ms. Y/L/N. Good luck." You mumbled a "thanks" and proceeded to the elevator, emotions flooding her body.

Okay, to be honest, this is a little bit scary and nerve-wracking but... I can do this. You told yourself as you push the button of the 35th floor. You tightly held your envelope to your chest, as people started crowding in the elevator from some floor stop.

As the elevator stopped on the 18th floor, you counted that there were at least 7 people inside the elevator with you. And the elevator doors opened once more, a man adorned formally entered. He had blond hair, his dark blue polo and black slacks fitted him perfectly. Even if he has his back facing you, a part of you tells that, He's handsome.

He was talking on his phone while you continued staring at him. People were minding their own businesses as you shamelessly observe the guy (I'm in the back corner anyway. He's in front.). After a few more minutes, he puts his phone into his pocket and glances at his side, looking for the buttons.

Moving closer to the buttons, your eyes widened, as the man presses the 35th floor button. That didn't shock you... but rather... he's face. Shit! Why didn't I notice before! In the few seconds of his side profile being shown to you, a name pops into your mind.

Thomas Sangster.

My ex-boyfriend. We were together for about 2 years until it just ended... He didn't cheat on me. Neither did I. It just... happened. Maybe we woke up one day, together, but the love, never to be found. I didn't want to give up. But, sadly, he did. He broke up with me, in a calm and peaceful way. He respected me, I respected his decision, and we bid good bye.

Weeks later, I found myself hating him. Not for leaving me, but for not trying to keep 'us' together. I did my best to keep the relationship. And maybe he did too, I was just to paranoid to even notice it.

I'll always love him, he had a special spot in my heart. But, that was two years ago.

You still had some anger on him, but not the mad one... more like the, frustrated anger. He gets back to his original position, hands tucked inside his pockets. You stopped staring at him, rather stared straight ahead.

People started leaving the elevator, and on the 26th floor, only you, Thomas and a random man was left. You, even if you won't admit it, from time to time, would glance at him, who was calmly standing near the elevator doors.

Deciding that being angry is unreasonable, you stared once again at his back. He still had that stupid effect on me, attracting me to him even though he has his back on me. This staring competition between you and Thomas's back lasted for awhile until he looks back, seeing your intense stare at him.

And just as like a deer caught in headlights, your eyes widened once again as he stared back at you, his eyes reflecting surprise. Shit. You quickly looked away and stared at the elevator buttons. Damn it, why does it feel like I've been here for an hour now?!

Annoyingly, a blush spreads across your cheeks while you tried to ignore that and the intense stare coming from Thomas. Touché. On the 28th floor, random man exits the elevator leaving you and Thomas together, 7 floors away from your destination.

As much as you want to pull the random man back inside, you couldn't because that would be weird and rude. Sighing at your misfortune, you finally look back at Thomas, who was still staring at you intently. God. He's still handsome as hell!! His brown eyes staring at your own, strong yet adorable nose, sharp jawline, and pink lips which he (rudely) wets with his tongue.

You felt your knees shaking, as if turning into jelly. And as he steps closer to you, your heart beats faster. No. He can't corner me!! You dashed to the elevator buttons as his fingers brushed your arm but, as if he read your mind, Thomas also dashes to the buttons, strong arms stopping you from fleeing him.

He inches closer, hot breath tickling your neck, "Y/N."

You closed your eyes, goosebumps all over your body, "Tommy."

Thomas Sangster/Newt Imagines and StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now