Vampire Sangster - Part 1

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"Thomas, are you alright?" you ask your boyfie, Thomas Sangster, while touching his forehead which is cold as ice. He also looks paler and his body is more toned. "I'm fine, Y/N." he answered reassuringly while smirking at you. You nodded and hugged him tighter while watching a sitcom. The clocked tick tocked showing 9PM, "Babe, I'm gonna go to the woods to have some fresh air. Wanna come?" Thomas asked you, "No babe. I'm already sleepy and be careful on your walk in the woods." you replied. He nodded and got his car keys. He waved goodbye, "See you later, Y/N." and with that he drove away.

You paced around your living room, "Is he hiding something? Does he have a sickness or has he done something wrong?" these thoughts racked your brain. Pale. More toned body. Cold. Always gets home late. Wears an odd ring that has a sun symbol. You have decided, "I'll follow you tonight, Thomas."

You dressed up quickly and went to your car and drove to the woods. After some minutes, you saw his car parked near the opening of the dark forest. You get off your car and ventured the woods. You see the moon in a perfect circle and its shining illuminating some of the darkness of the woods. You walk quietly along the eerie forest. Then you saw Thomas' figure walking while fiddling with his odd ring. You follow him and accidentaly stepped on a twig. Snapping sounds are produced and you quickly hid in the bushes and Thomas looks back. You see his eyes widened searching for someone. He did this for a couple of minutes then he continued walking. You sigh deeply and followed him more carefully this time.

After a couple of turns and twists in the woods, you see a wooden house with some disco lights, "There must be a party." You see Thomas approaching a drunk man who is talking to a tree. The man notices Thomas and waves at him. You sigh because maybe Thomas was going to a frat party but he suddenly punched the man in the guts making the man crumples to the ground. Then he picks him up and he opened his fangs making the boy scream.

Your eyes widening, you see as the man gets paler and look weaker then he is dropped by Thomas to the ground wiping his mouth. You are frightened by the turn of events. Scared, you started running, not caring if Thomas sees you. You kept running sometimes falling and stumbling but you didn't let yourself fall. You reached your car, got in and drove away very fast. You didn't notice that you were crying. Your whole body is shaking as you enter your house. Quickly, you went upstairs and changed your clothes. You lie on the bed still shaken by the events. You hear a car parking knowing it was Thomas.

Covering yourself with blankets you pretended to sleep but when you close your eyes, the monster you thought of keeps showing or appearing on your mind. His cold eyes staring at you, bloody fangs shown and his face it pains you a lot to see it. It was the face of the boy who you loved the most and you thought he was the perfect guy but.... you were wrong. Vampire. Thomas. That is really what you are.

Thomas Sangster/Newt Imagines and StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now