TBS and Newt Imagines/Stories - 18

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Moments With Him (TBS)

1)Thomas is watching something on the telly when you came down, you noticed he is shirtless with only jeans on. You blush at the sight but you went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water, you ate a tiny slice of red velvet cake. You went to sink and washed the plate and went to the living room, you get a book and sat across Thomas. He looked at you and smiled while you smiled back in reply, you started reading the book while Thomas continued watching. As the time passed, you can't help but sneak a peek to your shirtless bestfriend, sure he has great body but you can't help but stare at his face as he is fascinated by the show and his eyebrows all scrunched up. You used your book as a cover for staring at him, this lasted for 1 hour and 30 mins. "Love, are you really reading that book? Or just using it as a cover for staring at me?" you blush and panicked,"What?! M-m-m-me?!? S-s-s-stare at y-y-y-you? Wow. No. I am reading this wonderful book, Sangster." He smirked and snatched the book away and pulled you to him, "I know I exceed the ratings of the word hot, but please Y/N, stop staring, it feels weird." You blush, "F-f-f-fine. I-I-I-I-I'll stop staring." He smiled and kissed you while you kissed back with equal force. He hugs you warmly and you snuggle to him like a puppy.

2)You are currently walking in the rain, you're lazy to open your umbrella and put on the hood of your jacket. The rain is pouring hard today, the cloud must be crying because of something painful. "Just like me." you thought as you continued walking down the street, you remembered why you're feeling so down, you accidentally destroyed his treasured console. You were cleaning his room and suddenly smashed it because there was a bug on top of it. You apologized to your angry boyfriend, Thomas Sangster, but he ignored it and said bad things to you making you leave his flat. You wiped your tears and finally decided to wear your hood, "I'm really a bad girlfriend, destroying my boyfriends console, how stupid." you sniffled ignoring people you bump with. You crossed the street, "Y/N! Wait for me! Y/N!" the voice shouted and it was very familiar to you. You looked back and choked at who you saw, Thomas was running around the corner you crossed, he has no jacket on or even an umbrella open, he was running through the rain just to see you. You stopped on the other side, stunned at his actions. He reached you and panted, "Bloody hell, I finally saw you." you wiped your tears, "Why? What are you doing here?" you asked completely emotionless. He looked at you but you averted your gaze, "Why? I had to see you, you just suddenly ran off to somewhere. I was worri---" "Weren't you angry at me? Because I destroyed your console, I destroyed your most treasured thing and you even call--" he cuts you off, "I know! I'm sorry, Y/N. I know I got mad at you and called you with those rude things, but I'm sorry, love. I'm really sorry, I cared more for that stupid console. It can be replaced, but you, I can't ever replace you. You're one of a kind, I hope you forgive me, love." you were shocked by his speech, "I'm sorry too, I should've been more careful of cleaning your things, I-I-I-I'm s-s-sorry." you were crying again but Thomas pulled you into him and you wrap your arms around him while he does the same, "Shhh, stop crying, love. I forgive you and I'm sorry. I love you, Y/N. I can't lose you." you sniffed in his chest, also inhaling his addicting scent despite he is soaked by the rain, "I forgive you, Thomas. I love you too." you pull away and looked at him while he holds your neck and gets near to your lips. Your lips met and despite this gloomy and cold day, it suddenly became happy and warm for a moment because of your rekindled love.

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