TBS and Newt Imagines/Stories - 45

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1) Carrying you everywhere. (Newt)

"Newt, I can walk. Please." You said while rolling your eyes as you tighten your grip on his shoulder.

He laughs and adjusts his hold on you, "You're adorable, babe. But I don't mind. You're my girl." Sighing in defeat, you just wrap your arms around his neck.

"And besides... I know you don't mind me carrying you around the Glade." Newt said with a smirk.

"Jerk." You replied with a flustered face.

"And you're still sore because of last night, right?"

"Newton! Shut up!!!"

2) He only gives in when you insist that you like cuddling with him. (Thomas)

"Thomas! Give me the remote, pleaseeeeee!" You said with a groan while he laughs loudly.

"Nope. I'm watching, babe. Be quiet." Thomas said with a mischievous grin while you sigh in frustration.

"Tommy!! That's a replay you're watching." You pointed out which was true, a replay of last night's basketball game.

He smirks at you, "Seems your right, babe. Well... we both know how you'll get the remote from me."

You rolled your eyes in annoyance, "Ugh fine." You jumped onto your shared bed and pulled Thomas to a tight cuddle, "I like cuddling with you, babe." You said making him laugh and kiss your cheeks.

He hands you the remote, "Here you go, Y/N." You sat on the bed while he wraps his arm around you, chin resting on your shoulder.

Thomas groans in annoyance, "Babe! Don't watch TMR!! You know I don't like watching my own films." You smirk devilishly, "Sucks for you, Sangster."

He smirks and snatches the remote then turns off the TV. "Tommy!" You exclaimed while he pins you down to the bed, him on top of you. He stares at you with a smirk and eyes shining with lust, "I'll give you something to suck, babe."

Your face got red in embarrassment and let's just say you both have fun. Thomas really did give you something to suck.

3) "Newt, my face is up here." (Newt)

"For the last time, Newton! I told you to put your damn clothes in the laundry basket!!" You sighed and angrily picking up his blue shirt on the floor.

You turn your attention to him, who was lying on your shared bed. "Are you listening to me?!" He swallows nervously and slowly nods.

Wait... He's not staring at me! You look at him, eyes glued at something else and not your face. Noticing that his eyes were glued below making you look down, seeing your sweat soaked white shirt clinging to your chest.

You closed your eyes, cheeks getting flustered, "Newt, my face is up here." You told him and stared at him, whose eyes got wide and cleared his throat then slowly looking at your face.

"Sorry, got distracted a bit, love." He replies with a grin causing you to roll your eyes, anger slowly dissipating and a smile appearing on your face.

4) Pointedly kissing you whenever he gets jealous. (Thomas)

Every guy was looking at you, eyes shining with want as you walk along your hallway. Being the top student plus beauty, well every guy just wanted you to be theirs.

But, someone already calls you, "Mine." He was your school's best basketball player and the most gorgeous guy. He had blonde hair, a perfect face and just about anything. He was usually cheerful and all smiles but right now... it's not like that.

His mouth was in a scowl, hand gripping your waist tightly and eyes burning green. He stops walking, causing you to turn around; face filled with concern, "Thomas..." You were worried that he'll lose his temper and cause a scene but what he does next shocks you.

He cups your face, a smirk appearing on his face, "Your mine, babe." Thomas says then presses his lips onto yours, causing a blush to coat your face while you kiss back. After a minute of kissing, he pulls away with a smirk while you look dazed. You look around, noticing every guy has looked away.

You look back at him, his smirk getting wider, "What? Your ego is boosted?" He laughs at you, "Maybe? You want another kiss?" You rolled your eyes, "Maybe." You pull him to you, lips connected once more in the middle of the hallway.

5) Reminding you that he loves you 24/7. (Newt)

"Y/N... I love you. Don't forget that, please." Newt said.

You smile at him, "How could I forget that, Newton. You tell me that every day and I don't mind. Because I love you."

He grins at you while you pull him for a kiss, then eventually falling onto your bed and clothes slowly being stripped off.

Every single day.

He had three words to say.

I love you.

She'll smile brightly, then kissing him before replying three words.

I love you.

These moments, that the couple treasured so much continued for years and years. They had fights and almost broke up; but their love was strong. And they got married then were blessed to have 3 children.

For every day that they lived together and happily, there was always an "I love you" exchanged between the man and woman. They were so blessed to have such a wonderful life and a lifetime partner to spend this life with.

There was a man, his once dirty blonde hair was now gray. His skin was now wrinkly and felt pain everywhere on his body. But, he still has him charm; he might be old but he was still the once handsome and young lad he used to be.

He was sitting on a chair, a smile on his face. He was looking at an easel with a painting. He extends his hand, touching the painting of a beautiful woman while a tear falls down his eye. He gets closer to the painting, placing a kiss on it then mumbling softly, "I love you."

The man finally stands up, then starts walking away from the gravestone. Suddenly, he feels groggy and dizzy; his footsteps getting heavier. He felt that his whole body was chained to a heavy ball, then he falls down on the carpeted floor.

Despite the pain, he still had his wide smile. And as darkness starts to cover his sight, he had one last thought; "I'll be finally reunited with you, love. See you soon. I love you." Then he closed his eyes.

A/N: Hello 2019!!!! Sorry for taking so long, I forgot to post new imagines and stories that I already made. I'm so sorry. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this one! Comments and votes are well-appreciated!! Thank you for reading!! :-))

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