Chapter Seven

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          Before I know it my eyes flutter down and my eyes close, soon darkness engulfs me. It seems like eternity before my eyes open again. I look over at my clock and see that its 8:00 in the morning. I scramble out of bed. I look to where Vivian was sitting before I feel asleep. My eyes spot the couch and I see no Vivian in sight. I quickly put on some old clothes that I find in Vivian's closet, hoping she won't mind. I open the door and am now in the hallway. I look around for any sight of Vivian but she is no where to be found. After turning left and right down many corridors, I land in the kitchen. I see a couple of women in their maid outfit, and I see one with light blonde hair. I quickly dash over to her.

          "Hey Vivian, hows it going?" I ask.

          She just nods and keeps looking down at her utensils.

          "Are you okay?" I say nervously.

          Vivian looks me straight in the eyes with her bright blue eyes, "Miss I have a lot of work to do, so will you please excuse me."

          "No absolutely not!" I yell, "and why all of the sudden are you calling me Miss?"

          "Alpha's orders," Vivian replies.

          Soon I hear footsteps come into the room and when Vivian's eyes become the biggest I have ever seen them. Alpha.

          I turn and face towards him.

          "Vivian I specifically told you not to speak to her, and you have disobeyed your Alpha," the Alpha announces, "this is what you deserve." 

          I cannot believe what I saw next. The alpha drew out a knife and threw it directly at Vivian's leg. It instantly struck her dead on her thigh. She lets out a cry. I stand there astonished. 

          "What the heck," I yell at him at him looking him dead in the eye, "what did you do that for, she did not deserve that!"

           The Alpha just rolled his eyes, "Take her to the dungeon."

          "No," I scream while rushing towards Vivian.

          "Cease her," the Alpha says, "and take Vivian to the dungeon."

        "No," I scream and try to fight out the grasps of the men holding me but they aren't budging,"Let me go!"

          I keep screaming and fighting until I can't even see a blur of Vivian. At that point I know I lost, and Vivian is bleeding out and in a dungeon cell because of me. The men throw me into Vivian's room and lock the door. I guess now I'm in a dungeon of my own. I've been pacing back and forth for the last 10 minutes as far as I can remember.I get tired of walking on my feet and lie down on her bed. I close my eyes trying to forget everything that has happened today. My thoughts instantly return to my family. I think of my old house and the dark wood logs that surround the exterior of my house. The bench outside where I used to read Joe all of his favorite superhero books. The inside of my house was modern and cozy. My eyes reopen and I'm standing outside my house. How the heck did I get here? I walk through my yard and open up the wooden door. I look inside and everything was where it should have been the last day I was here. I walk upstairs to my room and not an object is out of place. I shut my door and walk towards Joe's room. I open the door quietly and see Joe sitting on his bed. 

          "Joe!" I yell up and hug him tightly.

          "Sis!" Joe's says back hugging me back.

          "Where is the rest of the family?" I ask.

          "They are out at a pack meeting," he responds.

          "Okay, whats going on here," I question.

          "We have been looking for you everywhere, we sent out scouts to try and find you but there was no trail to follow," Joe says.

           "I'm sorry Joe but I'm home now," I say trying to reassure Joe.

           I hear a loud growl in the distance and I look at Joe. 

          "Keep fighting," Joe says looking my straight in the eyes, "Survive and come back home." 

           Then Joe starts to fade away, "Joe, Joe, whats going on," 

           "Joe!" I scream reaching out to him knowing he is already gone, "I promise. I promise Joe, I'll come back home."

          I close my eyes and when I open them back up I am laying in bed. I turn and see Sophie standing next to my bed looking cautiously down on me. 

          "I heard you screaming, luckily I was the only one," Vivian says.

          "Are you okay?Is your leg healed?" I ask.

          "What are you talking about Anne?" Vivian responds, "You are talking non-sense."

          I look down at her leg and nothing seems wrong. 

          It was a dream... I never actually went back to my house or talked to Joe. But my dream was definitely telling me something, but I can't put my finger on it yet, and I don't have the time. 

          "Sorry it was a bad dream."

          "Do you want to talk about it?" Vivian asks.

           "No thanks, too... unreal," I add.

          "Well you need to at least get out of bed and eat something,"Vivian says.

          "Okay," I respond while shuffling out of bed,"can I borrow some clothes Vivian?"

           "Sure take anything you'd like."

          I pick out a pink floral tank top and some black leggings and quickly slip them on. I follow Vivian down to the kitchen.

          "What would you like?" Vivian asks.

         "Can I have some oatmeal please," I say.

          "Sure thing oatmeal coming right up."

           After about five minutes the oatmeal is in front of me and I start to devour it. Once I'm done I realize I really need to go shopping. 

          "You don't need to go shopping," Vivian says.

          "I can't keep using your clothes forever, you know that."

          "I know but I don't have the money for it," she responds while looking down. 

          "Well where do you think we can get some money," I ask. Vivian looks at me and somehow I know exactly what she is thinking, "absolutely not! I will not go ask the Alpha for money. Besides he probably won't even consider giving me any." 

          "Oh come on, are you scared?" Vivian smirks.

          You better dang think I was scared, about to go ask the biggest, scariest Alpha in the world for shopping money. But whenever someone ever says those words it now becomes a challenge, and I wasn't gonna back down from this challenge. 

        "Fine, I'll do it," I reply.

          "Great," Vivian says, "I guarantee he will be in this office. 

          I was following Vivian and she was turning left and right down certain hallways and soon we were standing in front of two huge wooden doors. These were definitely the doors to the Alpha's office. I stand right in front of it, hands on the door handles.

          Well, here goes nothing.

           PLEASE READ!!!!!

          Authors Note: I hoped you liked this chapter. I will be trying to update as much as possible since I am writing another story. If you enjoy reading science fiction go check out my other story, Unwanted Changes. Leave any suggestions for the next chapter in the comments. 



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