Chapter Thirteen

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"No," I scream as they are trying to take me away from Vivian's room, "put me down."

"Stop Anne," Liam says.

"This is all your fault," I yell trying to place the blame on someone else, "you were the one who slammed the breaks and was screaming at me!"

"It doesn't matter, everyone is okay from the car crash," Liam replies.

"What do you mean everyone is okay?"I ask, "Vivian is in a hospital room in a coma and I don't know if she will ever wake up!"

"Well there was nothing I could have done differently to help her," he says.

"You could have left her, at my pack! Threaten my family, then you take me. Vivian was never part of that, she should not have had to come!" I scream.

"She is the maid," he says.

"She is more than just a maid! She will have more of a heart than you ever will in a thousand years," I burst out.

The Alpha runs over to me and slams his hands up on my shoulders. Shooting pain enters my body everywhere. I guess my leg wasn't the only thing that was hurt.

"I swear if you disrespect me one more time...," he growls with black swarming into his eyes.

"Ouch!" I yell, "if you haven't forgot I'm in a hospital. Seems like you are just trying to put me in it longer."

Liam immediately backs away, "I'm sorry. I'll leave."

"Finally," I mutter to myself but I know that he could hear it.

My whole body starts to relax again and soon I drift off into sleep.

My eyes reopen and I know I am in a different world. Is this a dream? I look all around me and I see trees floating and sparkling. I look up and I see the largest moon I have ever seen before and it looks like its about to drop on top of my head. The moon is sparkling through the dark night.

"Annabelle," a femanine voice says behind me. Her voice is so magical and sensible.

I turn my head around and see a gorgeous woman standing in front of me. She has long white hair and a long dress that is covered in grey sparkles. Her eyes are blue and they feel so comforting.

"Yes?" I ask, "who are you?"

"I am the moon godess," she says.

"What?" I say with total surprise, "how can I be talking to you?"

"Well first off you are in a dream," she replies while chuckling, "and secondly I have called upon you. I have an important message to tell you."

"Yes, what is it?" I ask.

"You may not ever receive your wolf," she says, "I am sorry for this possibility. So for this I have enstowed upon you another gift. This gift you have can be used by you in any way. Good luck."

I can feel myself gaining conscientiousness but before I completely leave this world I hear four words, that must have been whispers in the wind. The war is coming.

My eyes shoot open. There is a war coming? How can that be. If there is an actual war, I must tell Liam. There are children, mothers, and fathers here and their lives could all be at risk. I jump out of bed and wobble out of my room. My leg is really sore from beating up those guards earlier. I look around this huge hospital and try to find an exit. I see a front desk and a woman typing away on a computer. I jump my way over to her and soon I am standing right in front of her.

"What can I do for you ma'am?" she asks politely, but her eyes still looking across at her computer.

"Can you direct me out of this hospital room and to the Alpha's office?" I ask bluntly.

"Why would you like to go to the Alpha's office," she asks and then looks up to me, "are you the future Luna?"

"Yep that's me," I reply rolling my eyes.

"Why would you like to know where the Alpha is?" she asks.

"People's lives are at risk and It's really important," I respond.

"Go straight ahead and that is how you get out of here. Make a left and then you should see a huge red flag on top of a building and that is the pack house..." she adds.

"I can find the Alpha's office from there, thanks!" I say and I start wobbling out of her.

"Would you like some crutches?"she asks.

"Sure that would really help."

She walks towards me with some crutches, "Thanks,"

Now I walk out the door and turn left. I look up for the big house that has a red flag on top. I see it and start to hobble my way over there. I go around front and open the door. I look around and try to remember where the Alpha's office was. It's somewhere on the first floor so that it can be easy access to all but I can't remember. I start walking around looking for the office, and then I see Liam walk out of a hallway.

"What are you doing here, you should be in the hospital resting," he says.

"Liam your pack is in trouble," I reply, "The moon goddess told me to warn you that there is a war coming."

"The moon goddess?" he asks thinking that I made the whole thing up, "you need to go back to your hospital bed and rest."

"Do you think that I am making this up?" I ask.

"No one has ever seen the moon goddess before."

"I didn't really see her in person she appeared in my dream, but I know that its true," I reply I lie about the other things that she told me because I didn't want him to know I have a gift.

"Your imagining things, the moon goddess did not come to visit you in a dream," he says.

"Stop talking to me like I am a little kid, I know that I am not lying. I warned you to take you precautions and you chose not to listen. If this war happens bodies will be dropping from your pack."

"This is my pack stop worrying about it, that's my job. I do whats's best for the pack and right now that's not listening to someone who is obviously going through a lot of struggles,"he says.

"You are right. I am going through struggles emotionally and physically but that's all because of you. If you don't remember you kidnapped me and threatened my family, guess that's my emotional struggles. But don't forget the car crash which was caused by you which makes up my physical struggle. It's fine that you don't want to trust me, because never in a million years will I lay my trust with you," I mutter.

"Maybe you should stop playing the blame game and maybe start thinking of the things that you did wrong that caused this," he replies.

My eyes widen and I can't believe that he just said that comment to me.

"No true man will ever say such rude words," I reply looking down at the ground.

I walk away and start walking to Vivian's room. I need to be alone and as far away from Liam as I can be. I need to find out my gift before anyone knows that I have one. I know the moon goddess did not lie to me and when Liam realizes that, it will be too late. I open the door to Vivian's room and I lay down on her bed. Maybe it is my fault that all of this happened. But I know better than to trust a word that comes out of that mans mouth.


Authors Note: Hello guys thanks for reading this chapter. I know that there are some mistakes and I will reread this chapter and fix all of those errors. If you have any feedback or suggestions please feel free to write them in the comments. Thanks so much for reading this chapter, we will be updating soon!

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