Chapter Twenty Four

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             I quickly end up in front of Noah's wooden cottage. I walk inside it, but something is different and there is a faint scent of something that I can't put my hand on. 

            "Noah," I whisper, "hey where are you, this isn't funny come out."

            I walk into his room and I smell the scent everywhere and my eyes grow big. Rouges. They have taken Noah, I try to follow their scent, but it is leading away from their base. There scent leads into the woods, and soon I lose it. I need an actual werewolf to help me track the scent. No, not him, there is no way I would go back to him. But he seems like my best option, and if there are more rouges than I expect, he will be there to protect me. I start to walk back to the pack house and get ready for him to throw a tantrum on me. It seems like a familiar cycle, I leave but somehow I always find myself coming back. 

           "Find her," I hear a voice yell off in the distance, and immediately recognize the voice as Liam.

            I walk slowly towards it trying to have time to convince myself not to bring him, but in the end I am standing right in front of Liam. His face is full of fury and I can kind of understand why.

             "What are you doing trying to leave again?" he asks trying to push down all of his anger.

              "Does it seem like I am leaving, I am walking back to you," I say rolling my eyes, "I need your help with something, and you can either come or not, but I am going anyways and you can't stop me."

               "What is it?"

               "Rouges have captured Noah, and there is a scent leading into the woods but I can not follow it," I reply. 

                 "I will send a few men to check it out, you can stay here," he adds.

                  "No way, I am going, for all I know you won't even rescue him because he is an omega. What is your deal with them anyways, why do you treat them like dirt?" I ask.

                   "Because they are powerless and useless," he says.

                   "Yeah, that sounds familiar, oh yeah, you said those wonderful words to me," I reply, while giving him a dirty look.

                    "Fine I will go with you, but I will be the one getting Noah, and you will just stay put, understand?"

                    "Yes sir," I say and I can tell that got on his nerves.

                     "Alright shift into your wolf it will be faster," he says.

                    I look down to the ground, "I think you forgot that I can't do that."

                   "Oh right, we can just walk on foot," he says with a little hint of guilt in his voice.

                   We start walking towards Noah's house and then into the woods. I start to follow Liam, hoping that he is following the right trail, I don't know how long Noah has been with them.

                    "How can you smell so good in your human form?" I ask.

                     "It is a gift, I guess and all of the Alpha's senses are heightened," he replies. 

                   I nod my head and continue following in his footsteps. 

                  "Be quiet from now on, and no more talking, I am starting to hear voices up ahead," he says and I give him a quick nod.

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