Chapter Twenty Three

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                        "Vivian," I scream and run up to her, "I am so glad that you are here I have a lot I need to tell you."

                          I continue telling her about everything she has missed but mostly about my mother, the rouges, and how much Liam has been such a pain.

                       "You know he is just trying to protect you right?" Vivian replies.

                        "I can protect myself," I say thinking of my power.

                        "Yeah right," Vivian smirks back.

                         A small smile appears on my face, I still have not even told Vivian about my power.

                        "Why do you have such a huge grin on your face," Vivian asks, "are you up to something?"

                         "No, well, yes," I mumble, "I have a power that the moon goddess granted me because she said I may never get my wolf."

                           Vivian releases a short laugh, "wow you have a superpower, what is it?"

                          "I can teleport," I reply honestly but still Vivian doesn't seem like she is buying it. I understand that she does not believe me, at first I didn't believe it, I guess I will just have to show her.

                          "Alright let me see you teleport to the other side of the room," she says.

                         I close my eyes and teleport to the other side of the room. When I reopen my eyes I see Vivian looking at me totally astonished. 

                          "What, wait, how did you even do that?" she asks with huge eyes.

                          "I told you, I wasn't lying I have a power."

                         "That is so cool," Vivian screeches.

                        Just then the door opens and an angry faced Liam walks in. My eyes look to the ground, I am still mad at him, and right now I just don't want to deal with him.

                       "What is going on in here, I heard a loud noise," Liam says.

                       "Oh my gosh, well for starters, Anne just told me that she has...," Vivian starts to say but I quickly cut her off.

                         "Hey Liam," I yell trying to get his attention away from Vivian.

                          "What were you starting to say Vivian?" he questions and stares down Vivian.

                          I can tell she is nervous, but I really don't want Liam to know about anything. I shake my head and she gets the point.

                           "I was saying that um, Anne, has the flu," the mumbles, " yep, she has the flu, thats right."

                         "What are you hiding from me?" he asks, and he turns to look at me. His eyes are like roaring flames, but I won't let him make me budge. 

                           "Annabelle, my office now!" he screams and stomps out of the room. 

                            "Sorry Vivian, I have to go but, I will hopefully talk to you later if he doesn't kill me first," I reply trying to lighten the mood.

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