Chapter Eight

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              I took a deep breath in and then I open the door. I see a bunch of people in the room, and know that this is not a good time to be in here. I look back at Vivian and we both regret doing this idea. The Alpha's big green eyes stare into my eyes that are probably all over the place. Everyone else in the room turns to look at me as well. I instantly turn my head down, I don't like the Alpha staring at me much rather 10 more men staring me down.

          "Sorry this is a bad time isn't it," I mutter.

          "What do you want?" he replies coldly.

          "Never mind, it's not important anymore," I say trying to exit the room as quick as I can. But before me and Vivian can leave he stops me.

          "I think I asked you a question," he says, his voice booming all throughout the room.

          I've had it with this guy, who does he think he is, "You know what, I came in here to ask for some money to buy some clothes. If you hadn't remembered you kidnapped me and it's not like I had my bag of clothes ready to go."   

          The Alpha's eyes turn black. My eyes soon get really big, and then I think do I really care if I live or die anymore? 

          "You know what, I think that you have had enough of me haven't you. So why don't you just kill me. Kill me like you have killed thousands of other people. Kill me without mercy," I say. I can't believe those words just came out of my mouth. Of course I really don't want to die, I can leave Joe, my sister, and my parents. But at this point I think I'd rather die than stay here another day.

          The Alpha looks at me and somehow gets even more angry. The Alpha barges up to me and is now looking directly down at me, "You think you have it bad? You have it perfectly fine here."

          "Well I'm guessing you've never spent a couple days and nights in a rotten cell," I say, "And I bet you have never been ripped away from you're family. My little brother, my sister, and my parents are all looking for me. I don't care what you do to me anymore, but what I do know is that you have hurt my family beyond repair, and I can never forgive you for that." Tears begin to form in my eyes. I am staring straight into his eyes and his eyes look like they are softening. Before anything else happens anger returns to my eyes. 

          "Come on Vivian, lets get out of here. I can't be in here anymore," I mumble the last part directly to her.

          We walk down the hallways silently. On a few walls there are some artwork that is very pretty. Some of them are with bright colors, but most of them consist of dark colors and are very gloomy. Something happened to the Alpha to make him become the cold-hearted person he is today. Soon we arrive in Vivian's room and I can tell that something is wrong.

          "Vivian, is everything okay?"I ask.

          "Why would you just through away your life like that. I know its not perfect here, but if you weren't here anymore I don't know how I would survive. You are my only friend I have had in my years of working here," Vivian replies with her back turned away from me.

          I can't believe I would say that in front of her. I never thought about the way it would make Vivian feel. "Vivian I am so sorry."

          She doesn't respond, "Vivian, what happened to you?"

          She turns around and I see her eyes filled with tears, "When I was a little child, my parents and I were members of this pack. Life was great until a war was raged between own pack and a neighboring pack. No one knew the reasons for it so we were left to make only guesses. Anyways one night member of the other pack stormed into our pack with torches blazing through the starry night. They only torched the houses on the outside of the pack knowing that if they came too far in, our forces would destroy them." 

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