Chapter Sixteen

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            I wake up and and feel something very soft, covering my body. I rub my eyes open and I see a huge blue wool blanket surrounding me. I swing my legs over the long brown couch and sit up. I look around the living room. To my left I see a huge painted picture with trees surrounding the picture and a bright full moon. To the right of the dark picture there is a huge antique mirror hanging from the wall. I walk over to the mirror and look at myself. I have huge bags under my eyes, my hair looks like its in rags, and my clothes are all wrinkled. I frown, this is the real Annabelle Howard, if I wasn't the daughter of an Alpha, no one would even know my name. I turn around and walk towards the right side of the room. I turn to the center of the room and I see a grand fireplace. I can just image after a cold winter day, coming inside and sitting by the cozy fire. But, I hope I won't stay here until winter. My eyes drift off to my right and I see a huge wooden desk. On the sides of the desk there are two lovely flower pots, with lilies covering the area inside. This place is beautiful, but somehow, it is still my prison. I look towards the center of the desk and I see three picture frames. The one on the left is of their pack flag, which is a crescent yellow moon with a white star on the right of it. The picture on the right is of Liams huge pack house. The one in the middle is of Liam and his parents. Liam looks exactly like his father. His father has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. His father has a blank face and looks very stern. Liams mother has dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She is smiling from cheek to cheek, her face being more relaxing and safe when you look at it. I see Liam as a smaller child maybe around the age of twelve holding onto his mothers hand. I catch a glimpse of Liam holding someone else's hand, but who's hand he is holding is unclear. Before I can get a closer look I hear a booming voice behind me. 

             "What are you doing," he yells looking directly at me.

             "Um, I was just... I am sorry," I say in a whisper, my voice stuttering and shaking on every word.

            "Looking at an old family picture?" he asks while making his way closer to me. 

            "I just woke up and I saw the pictures and just wanted to check them out. I'm sorry," I reply not knowing what else to say.

           "Well quit snooping around my old pictures, they are gone, so why don't you leave the past in the past," he yells and picks up the picture frame of his family and slams it on the wooden desk, and it shatters into a million pieces.

             I don't try to say anything back, I just start cleaning up the pieces.

             "Leave them there. The maid will come and clean it up," he says while walking away. Before he leaves he adds, "the doctor needs to see you for a check up in thirty minutes, don't be late."

             I nod my head and go back to the couch. I look back over towards the huge mess and I see the picture. I walk back over and see that the picture is still in great shape. I pick it up and put it face down on the desk. I then start to walk to Vivian's room and start getting ready. Even though my leg is still in a severe amount of pain, I have stopped using my crutches. The crutches only made it feel a little bit better, but it made my arms really sore after a day of using them. I open the door to Vivian's room and go over to her closet. I see a pain of jean shorts and pair it with a plain navy blue shirt. I try to start brushing my hair but after a few minutes I give up and put it in a messy bun. I slide on some flip flops and start to head over to the pack hospital. I hope I am a little early so that I can get to talk to Vivian for a little bit. 

             I walk out of the pack house. The sound of birds chirping instantly swarms me, and I see the bright sun poking out from behind the trees. I don't understand why Liam would have my check-up be so early in the morning. The questions leaves me and soon my mind is at rest and I can only hear my footsteps on the rocky path. I soon reach the pack hospital and enter through the huge doors. I see Thea at the front desk and I give her a wave. I start to walk over to Vivian's room but I see the doctor approaching my from my peripheral vision. 

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