Chapter Twelve

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          I look out my window and see all the trees pass me as the car drives by. All of these green and full trees remind me of back home. We had huge woods behind our house, and all of my siblings did not ever want to enter the forest.  We were all convinced that within the forest at night all of the monsters were going to come out and eat us. This was partially true, the monsters I think are werewolves.  The car smells like dirt and smelly shoes. Vivian is next to me and her face is plain. She is trying her hardest not to think of the negatives but I can tell, that's all the things she is thinking about. My eyes return back to the glass window. When I look up all I can see is the blue and open sky with no clouds existent. I would give anything to be a bird, flying high in the clouds without a care in the world. I quickly return back to reality, I know that will never happen. 

          "Are any of you hungry?" the Alpha asks while his eyes are fixing on the long road ahead.

           "Like you care," I mutter keeping my eyes on the scenery outside the car.

          "Vivian?" He questions.

          "No thanks, Alpha."

          "See, why can't you be more polite,"He says.

          "Why can't you be more normal and not a monster," I remark trying to say it as quiet as I could. 

          I can tell I'm getting on his nerves but my eyes are still focused on the number of trees that we are blasting past.

          "Liam," the guard says in the car," calm down."

          So know I know the mysterious Alpha's name is Liam. 

          "Hey how come your parents gave you a human name. I guess they didn't know that you would turn out to be such a monster," I admit but I instantly regret saying it.

          I can feel Liam's head turn and his scolding black eyes glaring through my head. I turn around, but still look towards the ground.

          "Hey, Liam watch the road," the guard says. 

          "Why have I come all this way to retrieve my mate and she isn't even glad that I have came to take her back home," Liam asks.

          "Why, should I be thanking you. You first of all took me from my family and then when I woke up I was locked in a jail cell like some criminal. Then you ignore me like I'm not even there which is the only thing that made me happy when I was trapped with your pack. Then when I escape and finally found my safe haven, you have to come and ruin it all again. Finally I see you with all of my family members in a choke hold. I have already lost my mother and then you threaten all of the lives of my remaining family all at the same time. You know what you are not cruel, you are a monster," I spit out with every ounce of hate I have in my body.

           "If you wouldn't have left then none of that would have ever happened," Liam says with his eyes back on the road.

          "Well I would rather die than spend one more minute in that rotten place you call home," I mutter.

          Liam slams the breaks in the car and I can head a loud screeching noise. Liam's head whips back to where I am sitting.

          "If you ever say anything like that again I will.." Liam gets cut off by the crash of another car right into the back of our car.

          The glass shatters everywhere and I can feel some entering my skin. My head bursts forward and hits directly into the seat in front of me. My head seems like it is spinning and I am instantly confused where I am. I look over and see Vivian and she looks like she is out cold. I try to reach over to her and try to shake her awake but I can't get to her. Vivian's face is pale and I know that if she doesn't get help soon she could die. I look down at my legs and I see blood covering every inch of my skin. I look back out the window and see flashing lights everywhere. My vision starts to get splotchy and soon the darkness engulfs me.

          I start hearing muffled voices all around me. I try to open my eyes but it's proving hard to do. Soon my eyes flicker open and now all I can see is the blurry outline of people. I start blinking my eyes rapidly to try and make my vision more clear. I soon see a doctor with a white coat on and a stethoscope. I look around the room and see two guards placed besides the wooden door, and no sign of anyone else.

          "What happened?" I ask.

          "You were in a car crash. The car hit the back side of the car you were sitting in," the doctor replies.

         "Where is Vivian," I ask.

          The doctor looks down at his clipboard, and I know that whatever happened to Vivian in the car crash is way worse than I have it. 

          "Where is she," I yell.

          "She is in the intensive care unit," the doctor replies.

          "What happened to her," I question.

          "We are sure that she broke a few ribs though we are not sure how many yet since she hasn't had an x-ray yet," the doctor answers.

          "That is not that bad I mean I thought it would be way worse."

          I look at the doctor and I know that he is not telling me everything that is wrong with her.

          "What else is wrong?"I question.

          "Vivian is in a coma," he adds.

          My eyes fill up with tears. My innocent friend is now in a coma and I don't know if she will ever wake up again.

          "I have to go see her," I say while pulling out all the wires that are attached to me and try to make my way out of the bed.

          "No," the doctor replies, " you must stay in bed you are too weak to be moving."

          I have an idea. I walk over close enough to the guards and instantly fall over. I quickly grab my leg which was shooting up in pain. The guards rush over to me but before they get in a word I quickly kick one of the guards in the shin and elbow the other one in the ribs. I rapidly get up, open the door and start sprinting into all of the hospital rooms trying to find Vivian. I hope the guards can't recover very quickly but I know for a fact they will be up and chasing me any minute now. I soon open up a door four doors down from my room. I peak in and see a petite figure laying on the bed and I instantly know that It's Vivian. I shut the door behind me and lock it. I walk over to Vivian on the icy cold ground. I find a chair and pull it up to her bed.

          "Hey Vivian," I say while looking down at her calm face and I watch her chest rise up and down very slowly. 

          "I'm so sorry this would not have happened if you never came with me to escape in the first place. I am so sorry," I whimper with tears starting to accumulate in my eyes.

          "Keep fighting this for me, I can't live in this place without you. Please wake up," I mumble.

           Then the door bursts open and guards try to take me away from Vivian. I try to fight to stay with her but I am not match for these guards. My final look is at Vivian's innocent face. How come the innocent are the ones always getting hurt?


Authors Note: Thanks for reading this chapter. Please vote and comment if you have any feedback or suggestions. Also can you please check out my other story Unwanted Changes. I understand that the first few chapters are very short but they get longer as the story progresses. I'm working on trying to make the first chapters longer. Thanks so much for reading this chapter. We will try to update soon.

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