Chapter Eleven

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         I can't believe who I am seeing. The Alpha has found me, I thought there was no way he could track my scent. 

          "Joe, whenever you have the chance, get out of here," I whisper quietly. 

         "If you even think about leaving you will regret it," he booms.

          "Yeah, I've heard that one before," I mumble.

          I hear rumbling in the woods and I know the rest of my pack is here. I feel a little bit of relief but I know that their pack can easily destroy mine. No one is safe right now and I hope Adeline is still at home. I hear more twigs snap behind me and I know if I don't cause a distraction my whole pack will be discovered.

          I start whistling a random song, trying to make it sound really bad and loud. I have been whistling for about 30 seconds and it looks like the Alpha has had enough.

          "Shut up," the Alpha yells, "I know you are up to something."

          I keep looking down to the ground, I can't let the Alpha see the fear swarming in my eyes. 

          "Where is Vivian, she was not around pack grounds and I am guessing she came with you. Any idea where she is?" the Alpha grumbles.

          I know I have to cover for Vivian, "I don't know where she went, she didn't come with me."

          "Well I know that she attended the shopping mall with you so either she got lost or decided to tag along."

          "I don't know where she is," I mumble.

          "Well when you talk maybe you should lift your head up," the Alpha addresses.

          "Don't talk to my sister like that," Joe yells trying to stick up for me.

          "Don't talk to me that way," the Alpha shouts.

          "Hey," I scream, "Don't yell at my brother like that."

          The Alpha growls and starts stomping over to me. I hope the pack is near by. 

          "If you disrespect me one more time, I swear...." he growls.

          "I will what, regret it?" I question.

          His eyes start swarming with black. I instantly push Joe behind my back.

          "Step away from Anne and Joe," an unknown voice says behind me.

          I turn around and I see my whole pack coming out from hiding in the woods. My eyes widen when I see Adeline standing behind some men. She looks scared and I know that she doesn't belong here, its too dangerous. 

          "I said step away from the girl and boy," the voice adds behind me.

          "I don't listen to a runt," the Alpha grunts.

          "We have guns all on you right now," the man replies.

           "You are making a huge mistake."

          Then out of no where the Alpha rips Joe from my arms. In the woods I can see Adeline and my father being taken from the pack. My pack members are trying to keep them from taking my family but they are no match for his pack. I see my dad and Adeline walking towards me. I can see tears falling down her cheeks. The rest of the pack is being held back my the Night Moon Pack. I turn around and I see all of my family being held against there will. This is all my fault.

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