Chapter Twenty Two

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                       I explain to Noah about how my mother was a part of the rouges and how she left us a key to get out of here. I grab the note she left us and hand it to Noah.

                       "What the heck does beep beep beep mean?" he asks and his voice is still hoarse, "and how is your mom working for the rouges but she gave us a key to get out?"

                        "I don't know I am still trying to figure that out myself, this could all be a trap, but if my mom was the same person before she...died then she would help me."

                        "How do you know if she is the same person?" Noah asks.

                        "Well, she told us what she was doing here, and she left us a key," I say, "maybe beep, beep, beep, is code for something."

                          Noah nods and I continue, "whatever it is we need to be ready to use the key at all times."

                         "Wait," Noah asks, "why could you not teleport us out of here?"

                          I sigh, "I tried to get us out but as soon as I tried to teleport I felt like I was thinking in a room of nothing. No one could hear my thoughts, which meant I could not teleport." 

                         Noah nods his head but then looks up and directs his gaze at me, "Liam is gonna be super mad when we get back."

                          "I know Noah, but just let me do all the talking," I whisper.

                          Noah lets his head fall down but he asks, "do you like Liam?"

                          "What do you mean?" I say trying to avoid the question.

                          "Well you must know about all the horrible things he did, and whenever you are around him, I can feel that somehow you are scared of him too."

                           I take a deep breath in, "yes Noah, I do know of everything he has done, which makes me scared of him sometimes, but we are mates, and we are destined to be together."

                          "Not all mates are perfect for each other," he whispers silently.

                           "Were your mom and dad perfect mates?" I ask and then instantly regret it, the question will just remind him of his father. 

                             "They were not perfect mates at the start, their families hated each other but somehow the Moon Goddess paired them up together. Over the next couple months the families started to bond together. Then my parents realized the Moon Goddess brought them together to bring the feuding families together. Some mates have come together because they have a task bigger than the both of them. My mom always told me this story," he replies then a frown appears on his face.

                              "Noah, what are you thinking about?"

                             "My mom is gonna be miserable without my dad, what will she do without him. She could die and then I will be all alone, I will be an orphan," he mumbles and tears threaten to spill down his cheeks. 

                             "Your mom will not die, because she still has a part of her mate."

                            "What do you mean?" he questions.

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