Chapter One

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 "Andina," a brisk voice woke the twenty-three-year-old out of her slumber. Recognizing that her name was being called, she did the only thing she could muster enough energy to do and let out a questioning groan.

It was silent for a moment, so she cracked an eye open, immediately regretting it and snapping it closed to the bright light around her. She much preferred the blindness of sleep.

She slowly became more aware of her body and realized whoever had called her name was now tugging on her arm impatiently. "Andy!" Okay, that clearly was not the first time this person had tried to get a response from her.

Groaning again, she used her elbows to prop herself up on her mattress. She rubbed one of her eyes before opening them, squinting through the light. Her eyebrows raised in annoyance when her tired brain realized it was the cocky blond she had come to tolerate over the years since his birth.

"What?" She questioned in annoyance, standing up and shaking the grogginess out of her head. She was still in her dirty and ichor-stained clothes from hunting last night. Fuck, I forgot to take a shower, she thought to herself. So much for newly cleaned sheets.

Her brother, Jace, glared critically at her standing form. "You just got back last night and you went on a hunt before saying 'hi'?"

"There was a job open and you were all asleep," Andy mumbled with a shrug, shuffling over to her closet. She cursed under her breath when she noticed most of her clothing was gone. "I forgot to finish laundry before I left... of course I did."

She unzipped her leather jacket and looked on towards the mirror that was hanging on the wall. There was a trail of blood running down her arm and Jace scoffed from where he stood behind her, affirming that she had a wound on her back. She turned her head to see a small slice on her shoulder blade, bleeding again due to the loss of contact with her jacket.

"Obviously the job was more than you could handle," he started. "You should have waited–"

"I can handle myself." Andy stepped away from Jace as he advanced towards her with his stele.

His arms fell to his sides and he tensed his jaw. "That's not what I meant."

Andina gulped, shifting under the boy's questioning gaze. "Whatever. I'm gonna go take a shower and iratze this, so–" She finished her sentence by slamming the bathroom door after striding to it before Jace could stop her. She locked the doorknob and pulled out her own stele, which sat in the pocket of her soiled black jeans, tracing a rune that she knew would seal the door with magic and make it impossible to open until she removed it.

Ignoring Jace as he struggled to open her door, she turned on the hot water and let the shower begin to steam up, dropping her clothes in the process.

Her body held fading runes from last night along with a few permanent ones. Traces of white scars littered her skin. Her angelic rune stretched across the left side of her chest, and a birth mark in the shape of a star was nestled on her right shoulder, near her collarbone. The rune that twisted it's pattern to resemble an eye laid on her dominant left hand, giving her the gift of increased sight. 

She grabbed her stele once more, her intentions making the tip of the black utensil glow. She used the mirror to help her draw a healing rune over her wound, wincing slightly as she traced the opening of the cut. Seconds after she was done, though, the rune blackened and her pain lessened, helping to encourage the closing of the cut.

She placed the tool delicately onto her bathroom counter and watched the light falter and go out.

Sighing, Andy pulled her long brown hair out of the ponytail it had been in. It fell down onto her shoulders in matted curls. She stepped into the steaming shower and let the dirt and ichor wash off of her and into the drain.

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