Chapter Twenty-Two

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Alec stood outside of Magnus' loft, putting his phone back into his pocket. Thirteen times in the past hour he had checked, and thirteen times he had been disappointed by the lack of reply from either of the Wayland siblings. Clearly he was going to have to help his sister on his own.

"What do you want?" Magnus asked, pulling Alec away from his speeding mind. "Needed to get away from bickering over the guest list for your wedding?" There was an empty glass in the warlock's hand and he leaned against the doorway provocatively, but Alec didn't think it was on purpose. It was just how the warlock handled himself.

"I need to ask you something," Alec said, mentally pleading that the man would say yes to his request.

Magnus opened the door further and gestured him inside, but he didn't seem happy about it. As soon as Alec was in the loft, the door slammed shut behind them and Magnus strode towards his wide array of alcohols. His manicured hand grabbed the metal shaker and poured himself another drink. "Will it take long? I have a life to live and there's not much for us to talk about."

"It's not about me, or... any of that. This is about my sister," Alec explained, pacing without even realizing it.

"Oh, that," Magnus drawled. "Are you here for the fact that your adorable fiancee has Isabelle on trial for treason?" At the blank look on Alec's face, the warlock sighed and grabbed his newly made beverage, falling into his armchair and taking a large gulp of the alcoholic drink. "What can I do for you, Alec?"

Alec tried to keep his mind straight. Don't feel guilty, he kept repeating to himself. "My sister wanted you to be her defense attorney. I said I would ask. But, I'm sorry to bother you... I know a Downworlder can't defend a Shadowhunter in court."

He turned and was about to walk out when Magnus' voice stopped him. "But, a Shadowhunter accused of a crime can choose any advocate."

Alec turned back, a spark of hope igniting in his chest. "That can't mean a Downworlder," he said skeptically.

Magnus shrugged. "The Clave was so rigid and prejudice back in what they called the 'Time of Angels' that they didn't even dream of a Shadowhunter asking a Downworlder for help. They didn't even exclude us. So," he stood up, "since you all say, 'The Law is The Law,'" the warlock imitated the voice of an elderly man. "There's no stopping me from slipping through this gaping loophole." Then he analyzed Alec once more. "For the right price," he added.

Alec nodded. "Name it."

Magnus pulled away from his drink with a smirk in his eyes. "You. In fact, I'll do you pro bono."

Alec rolled his eyes, shuffling. "Anything else."

The smirk transferred to the warlock's lips. "You and Andina." When he saw Alec did not take either option well, he sighed. "What else do you have that important to you? What else shows me that you care so much for your sister that it's enough for you to make a real sacrifice?" He pondered it for a moment before coming up with something. "Oh, I know. Your bow and quiver. How about that?"

"Done," Alec said without much hesitation.


"We couldn't even count the demons," Clary informed Andina, Jace, and Michael. She and Luke had just gotten back from their scouting mission at Renwick's.

"That would be a suicide mission," Jace said.

The redhead disagreed. "Demons have to obey me, I have the Cup."

"That's what Valentine wants," Michael told her. "He wants you to take out the Cup and use it."

"If I do?" Clary pressed.

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