Chapter Three

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As it turned out, Clary was more involved with the Circle than anyone ever could have predicted. But not by direct involvement. Apparently her mother was Jocelyn Fairchild, an ex-Circle member who had convinced the Clave that she was dead until now. Jocelyn tried to raise Clary as a mundane. But it seemed that what little was left of the Circle after all these years was able to track her down and kidnap her while searching for the Mortal Cup, leaving her daughter's life incapable of ever being ordinary.

"I think I know where Dot is," were the seven words that sent Andy and the crew(she quite liked that title) on a chase through the city for a minor warlock who might have the Cup and/or the redhead's mom. 

Andy personally wasn't feeling very sympathetic for Carrot Top. Until...

"I can't feel her anymore..." The girl's voice came out wavering and scared as the six stood in a dark alleyway. She had been sprinting, but now she stood still with watery eyes.

"Clary," Jace started, more concerned with her safety than comforting her. "We–"

"No, you guys don't understand, Dot's like my big sister," she said, pulling away as Jace approached her. 

Andy felt Isabelle's eyes jump to her and then back to Clary, making her shift a little. She felt bad for the crying girl. She had clearly just lost a good friend.

"It's not safe here, we have to go," Alec said bluntly, glancing around the alley.

"He's right," Jace said with a shrug. Even he knew not to be stupid. But Andy had smoked an hour ago and still wasn't completely sober as she was running around the streets of New York, so she stepped forward.

"So what? She lost her mom and this Dot and we're just gonna give up? That's not what we do," Andy said. She had never seen a more betrayed look on Alec's face. Frankly, she didn't really care.

Clary gave her a grateful look, thinking for a few moments. "What about my memories?" She pondered. "They can't just be gone."

The four more experienced Shadowhunters shared a look, all thinking the same thing, but struggling to allow it to be an option. Then Jace lifted the weight. "There is one other option."

"No," "Absolutely not," and "Are you out of your damn mind?" were the responses he received.

Jace Wayland, being his usual stubborn self, crossed his arms and pursed his lips. "I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers."

"Yeah, neither am I," Andy pitched in, speaking from personal experience, "but they're dicks."

"Who are the Silent Brothers?" Clary asked, ignoring Andy's comment.

Jace jumped to answer her. "Shadowhunters with superior powers."

"They possess the power to access someone's memory," Izzy added.

"Yeah, a process that can also kill you, so there's that," Alec sugarcoated(sarcasm). Andy smacked his ribs but since he was so much tall than her, even that was a stretch for her.

The mundane with glasses narrowed his eyes at Alec. "Your bedside manner is abysmal."

"You're abysmal," Andina defended. While she was sizing up the mundane and Izzy was busy detaining her, Alec grabbed Jace's arm, holding him close, letting him know that this was his decision, not theirs. Jace had to know he was taking full responsibility for things if they didn't go as planned.

"We've broken at least eighteen Clave rules tonight, and now you want to go to the City of Bones?" Alec asked incredulously. "There's no way. I won't allow it."

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