Chapter Twenty-Five

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The Institute's Sanctuary doubled as a lovely wedding chapel when two Shadowhunters were ready to tie the knot. It was quite a simple process to convert it; the altar for the ceremony was already at the head of the room and a beautiful red carpet was rolled out to make an aisle, wooden chairs set up in rows on either side.

Andina walked into the room tentatively, her eyes lingering on the sight of Alec in his suit a bit longer than appropriate, as he caught her gaze and tried to hold it. She looked away quickly, eyes landing on her brother, who was dressed in black and ready to symbolically give Alec away.

She found her seat next to where Isabelle was perched for the moment, smoothing out her long black dress as she sat. At the moment, the room was bustling, and Andy could see Alec speaking with his parents.

"You already talked to him, I assume," she whispered over to Izzy who nodded in return.

"I'm sure he'd appreciate it if you did, though."

Andy fought the urge to scoff and let her best friend down lightly. "Maybe if I actually see a genuine smile," she muttered, hands jumping up to play with the cheap necklace she wore.

The classical music overhead swam through the room in a sweeping fashion, adding a new level of decadence to this beautiful venue. As Maryse and Robert went to sit down, Andy watched Jace converse with the groom.

Iz grabbed Andy's hand in hers and Andy looked at the girl with furrowed brows. She was going to ask why, but Isabelle just shook her head and squeezed Andy's hand.

A bang sounded through the room and Andy saw one of the Silent Brothers with his staff, trying to get the room to quiet down. "Attention, the ceremony is about to commence," he projected the thought to everyone in the room.

Andy scrunched up her nose. She never liked the Silent Brothers, and the one speaking, Brother Jeremiah, was the worst of them. Frat boys with hoods.

"That's my cue," Isabelle whispered, releasing Andy's hand and standing to go get the stele. Andy watched her pick up the golden pillow and begin to walk down the aisle. She gave her brother a kiss on the cheek when she reached the altar before standing to the side, ready to present the stele when needed.

The music picked up and Andy turned back around to see Lydia standing in the doorway. She was a gorgeous bride. Her golden locks were curled and pulled away from her face and her dress was a shiny golden masterpiece decorated with pearls and rhinestone accents. She held a bouquet of crimson flowers in her hands.

The bride walked down the aisle, taking Alec's hand when she reached the altar and stepping up to stand next to it. Once they stood across from each other, they each exchanged a gift, a symbol of their sentiment. Alec was given a golden bracelet and Lydia a golden necklace with a diamond covered pendant. 

"It is time for our bride and groom, Lydia Branwell and Alec Lightwood, to mark each other with the Wedding Union rune." Brother Jeremiah announced. "A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart, and a Union is born."

The two turned around to face the block of adamas that the union rune was carved into to ensure they made the mark correctly. It wasn't a rune one memorized or used daily, so it was necessary to provide a guide and ensure the runes were perfect. There was a very similar decorative piece used during parabatai ceremonies as well.

Andy wasn't sure why her heart started beating so rapidly in her chest as Lydia picked up her stele and charged it with the adamas. The bride took a hold of her grooms hand, preparing to solidify their union. Andy bit her lip as she watched the glowing tip of the stele lower to meet Alec's wrist, but it pulled back as the door to the hall slammed closed, grabbing everyone's attention.

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