Chapter Eight

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Deciding to leave early was maybe not the best idea. But Alec was so quick to snap into a negative mood without any explanation that Andina felt she needed a break. And partying never killed anybody.

... Well, except for all of those times that she had killed demons in the middle of clubs...

She had two seraph daggers hidden in hilts and two joints in her bra. Not that those needed to be hidden, but Seelies were sneaky folk.

Music was blaring as she entered and downworlders were already dancing and sweaty. It wasn't a surprise, though. She hadn't ever met someone in the Shadow World who would wait for a party to get started rather than have fun as soon as the doors open.

It wasn't long before someone gave her a light. She returned the favor with a kiss on his cheek, something that the blue skinned warlock seemed to agree was perfectly acceptable.

She estimated that she had a total of fifteen minutes until the gang got here, ready to complete their mission. She started shoving through the crowd when she spotted the familiar face she was searching for. Magnus was of course the center of his own world when she spotted him, a compact in his hands as he smoothed out his eyebrows.

"Mister Bane," Andina greeted, slinking out of the crowd to meet him.

The warlock looked up, quickly putting the accessory into a pocket. "Ah, Shadowhunter," he said warily.

Andy smirked, pulling another drag into her lungs. She blew it towards him and smirked. "Are we really that easy to identify?"

"Tonight, you did surprisingly well. There's four more of you that I didn't seem to notice until just now." There was a friendly smile on his face now, suggesting he knew exactly why they were here.

Andina glanced behind her, seeing Alec giving her a disappointed look. She rolled her eyes. "I didn't know they were here yet. I just came to party, recount times with an old friend."

"Wise choice," he told her as they watched her brother and the three approach.

"Magnus!" Jace called out. Way to be subtle, Andy thought.

"Clary Fairchild," Magnus nodded towards Carrot Top, who Andina had to admit, looked stellar in the dress she was sporting. "I knew your mother."

"Magnus Bane. So you're the one who stole my memories." Her voice was flat and her eyes cold. Andy didn't realize how much contempt this little orange kitten could contain.

"At your service," he said, offering his hand. Andy chuckled, earning looks from her Nephilim counterparts. "And at your mother's request. She knew what she was paying for."

Clary shifted.

"Now let me see the necklace, Shadowhunter," Magnus quipped. The orange and green lights flickered over him, making all of his extravagant jewelry sparkle.

Jace held up his fist and relaxed his hand, letting the weight of the Birmese ruby dangle. The chain of the necklace was loosely wrapped around his middle finger and it too was made luminous by its surroundings.

It didn't take much thought before Magnus reached for it. Jace pulled it back quickly, looking unsurprised. "Woah, hold up. Not until you give Clary back her memories."

Magnus drew his arms back, eyes covered in false sincerity. "I have to see it, for authenticity purposes."

Andina rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, just-" she reached forward and snatched it from the blond, holding it tightly in her grip. She spun it around and shoved it in the warlock's face, specifically so his cat eyes could read the inscription.

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